sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

Location Of - Download

O aplicatie pentru un Nokia E-90, insa se potriveste si la alte modele cu aceasi sistem de operare (sint doua fisiere java, jar si jad).

Daca sinteti intr-o excursie si doriti ca parintii sa stie unde va gasiti, iata o aplicatie gratuita care trimite la intervale regulate coordonatele voastre intr-o pagina de net unde sint localizate pe o harta Googlemap.
In oras acuratetea este de-a dreptul socanta, doar jumatate de strada era marja in care aproxima el ca te afli (telefonul meu nu are GPS si il localizeaza pe baza semnalului GSM fata de antene).


To use your mobile phone as a gps tracker, you need a small piece of software that will submit your locations to the Location Of system.

There are two ways to install the 'My World GPS Tracker' application on your phone:

On your phone, go to http://m.locof.com

This is the easiest way, as you'll be offered a link to the installer from that page.

Download the application to your computer

You will need to transfer and install the package from your computer to your phone manually.

Download Now! »
Version 0.5.87
Disclaimer and Agreements apply

Version 0.5.87 of the My World GPS Tracker was released 27/09/2011 11:12:45.
See the Changelog or take a look at the list of Supported Devices.

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