sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

Free Motvik.WWIGO.v1.20. - mobile9

With wwigo, a camera phone can be used as a webcam with PC or Laptop using bluetooth as the transmission medium


Free Motvik.WWIGO.v1.20.

Free Motvik.WWIGO.v1.20.

Free wwigo (pronounced 'vigo') is a Freeware stands for Webcam Wherever I Go. With wwigo, a camera phone can be used as a webcam with PC or Laptop using bluetooth as the transmission medium.

It consists of two software components.

- mobile component that resides on phone and streams video to PC.

- PC component that recieves video you can download in the link http://rapidshare.com/files/132750223/wwigoSetupx.exe.html

If it say certificate expired change your phone date to 2007 then install again

Application->Time->Options->Settings->Date change to 26/07/2007


- Use Camera Phone as Wirless Webcam

- Record videos with wwigo PC application.

- Use along withto do video chat.

- Use along withto share video.

- Video Quality better or comparable to off shelf webcam*

- Works with popular Bluetooth Stacks on PC

- Supported devices Nokia Series 60 v2.0 and Series 60 v3.0 phones

System Requirements.

- Desktop/Laptop with Windows 2000 or Windows XP SP2

- Bluetooth enabled with any one of these bluetooth Stack, IVT BlueSoleil Bluetooth Stack, Microsoft Bluetooth Stack, Widcomm Bluetooth Stack, Toshiba Bluetooth Stack

- Mobile Phone : Nokia Series 60 v2.0 or v3.0 phone.

What's New:

Support for IVT bluetooth stacks

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