luni, 7 noiembrie 2011

Kids Survivor Mystery Party Game Kit

Kids Survivor Party Game

10 - 20 Guests
8 - 10 Year Olds

Luau Party Supplies Everything from grass table skirts to Tropical Food Covers and much more!

Thrilled to be challenged to "Survive" this birthday party, the kids are primed to have a great time when they walk in the door. And it doesn't matter if the TV show is running and everyone's talking about it or not! Beyond the name, the party bears little resemblance to the show- no one is voted "off" and it's structured as a friendly and fun team competition. The party is a series of short, quick moving games- all age appropriate to 6 and 7 and 8 year olds. The games sequence together around the Survivor theme. The children use their brains, their imaginations, do some “yucky stuff” that they love, and make a lot of noise.

The kids LOVE these games and the whole party!!

Before I give you the full-blown description of the actual survivor party games, here are the

Quick Facts- so you know exactly what's involved:

  • 13 different games included - you choose which ones (or all) to include in your party
  • Preparation time depends on which games you choose, but shouldn't be more than about 2 hours once you've assembled your supplies (list provided).
  • Just a few things to buy, plus food- many you'll have around the house and you can choose those games with the fewest needed purchases.
  • Cheaper than all the usual party "extras" you now don't have to buy
  • Available for IMMEDIATE download in either .pdf format or as WORD files- EASY to do!
  • No one if "voted off" - it's age appropriate
  • All 13 games for 15 to 20 kids would take 2 1/2 hours to play, so you'll probably want to pick those 8-10 games that appeal to you the most.
  • I recommend a minimum of 10 and no more than 20 children for 2 teams of either 5 or 10, or anything in between. And it's easy to work around an odd number should that occur.
  • Suitable for indoors or outside - even the one water-based game they love can easily be done inside.


Beginning with a desert island themed invitation and the challenge to Survive the Birthday that gets them all excited, your guests are greeted with a Poster you cut and paste together continuing the theme.

The party starts with a simple but silly game to get them organized into teams on their own (not so easy at 7 and 8!), and then they get or make their team "logos" so team members are readily identifiable. These activities are followed by a “treasure hunt” that lures them off to your party room for the first real game.

The Games

Choose from a word game to find the things they need to survive, an eating contest that appears to be "gross" but isn't, an indoor version of shooting hoops (requires very little space), and a "junk" construction competition.

In all but the worst weather, get them outside for at least one athletic game, and in nice weather or temperate climates a couple of water based games- they still LOVE anything having to do with water! One of these water games can easily be moved inside- with minimal mess.

The host(ess) keeps a running score and all the while keeps the competitive spirit going. Or better yet, buy make-up in the team colors and let the kids keep score after each game with a new face stripe or spot for the winning team members! Their wild looks will help keep the game spirit up too!

Move them back inside for more "yucky" stuff and the challenge to find out which team is the quickest with the right answers. There's an ambush, and then the funniest cake & ice cream finale you ever saw!

Survivor Kids Game

Click Here to Learn More Get This Game!


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