joi, 17 noiembrie 2011

15 Windows Explorer alternatives compared and reviewed - Simple Help


Requirements: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT (from version 4.0), 2000, XP, Vista (?)


·  Dual-panel technology – horizontal and vertical

·  Optional tree view for each panel

·  Built in file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format

·  File viewer inside archives too

·  Built in archive handling: ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write), RAR (read)

·  Nested archive handling

·  Easy access to system folders, control panel, desktop and start menu

·  Copy, move, delete, rename files and folders

·  Wipe files

·  Create and verify MD5 checksums

·  File splitting

·  File properties and context menu

·  Calculation of folder size

·  Folder comparison / synchronization

·  Modification of file date and attributes

·  Folder / program favorites

·  File searching (inside archive too)

·  File filters for display

·  User defined columns for detailed view

·  Support for Tortoise icons

·  DOS command line

·  Multiple language support

‘Easy access to system folders’ is one of the features that first jumped out at me. My immediate thought was “why isn’t that in all file managers?” I may have overlooked it in some of the others, so I certainly won’t say that this is the only one that has this feature. “Size of folders” (not enabled by default) does slow things down – as freeCommander calculates and displays the folder size. With that said, it’s very handy to try and figure out where your hard drive space has gone, and easy to get to when you need it. The image preview was a bit slow for me compared to most of the others. The screenshot feature allows you to chose between image types (bmp and jpg) and even adjust the quality. I think the biggest drawback to freeCommander is the lack of built in FTP support, and I suppose it’s not that big of a deal. This program, though free, is donation-worthy.


quick access to System Folders

freeCommander prefs



Extras menu

Quick access to Programs



default freeCommander view


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