marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

Jans Freeware Collection


Jans Database Programs



14-June-2004 size: 1900kb
MyKeyDb is a freeware tool to work with the KeyDb multi-user database engine. FEATURES: database explorer, create database, edit database structure, edit data in both grid mode and autogenerated form mode, generate RTF reports using a XML based report definition, import tables and indexes from any external database via ADO or ODBC, execute batch sql scripts, syntax highlighted sql editor with code completion. The KeyDb database engine is embedded in MyKeyDb. So you need nothing else.


EasySQLite 2

23-July-2003 size: 845kb
EasySQLite 2 provides a graphical user interface to the free SQLite.dll database engine (included) that supports a large subset of SQL-92: tables, indexes, views, triggers, joins and transactions. FEATURES: list of tables and views, execute SQL, sortable result-grid, table (re)designer, data entry forms, javascripted html reports.



31-January-2003 size: 552kb
EasyCalc is a spreadsheet program storing its data in XML format. FEATURES: html reports (including print-preview), report templates, large range of functions (mathematical, string, logical, if) , cell formatting using standard css format.



9-September-2000 size: 969kb
myMDB is a client for Microsoft Jet Databases (*.mdb) and requires the free MDAC 2.1 components from Microsoft. Features: auto-form, form designer, html-reports with print preview, integral html-viewer, integral syntax highlighted SQL and HTML editor, integral SQL tutorial, execute SQL statements, sample JanSoft database.


myDBF 3

18-September-2000 size: 1036kb
myDBF 3 is a small database program that can handle DBase IV files. FEATURES: Form designer, HTML template based reports, integral syntax highlighted HTML editor, zoomable print preview, integral HTML 3.2 viewer, table designer, smart filter, mail merge. INCLUDED: jansoft sample database, form,report and help file; janScript support. NEW: Cascading Style Sheet support for reports.



23-Januari-2000 password: 1136am size: 528kb
Commaworks lets you create, edit and sort CSV datafiles. FEATURES: HTML forms and forms editor; import append email data, import HTML tables, export to HTML and XML; Query builder; Formule builder; Spreadsheet. Help file included.


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