joi, 29 martie 2012

Oferta: SoftMaker Office 2008: Download this full-featured office suite for free!

Daca aveti nevoie de suita Office, puteti lua si aceasta versiune gratuita, complet compatibila cu Microsoft Office ... software legal, free ... are 58 MB, seria va e trimisa pe o adresa de mail ...

You can now download a fully functional and permanently usable version of the SoftMaker Office 2008 office suite.

SoftMaker Office is a complete and full-featured office that comes with a word processor, a spreadsheet, and a presentation-graphics program. If you like SoftMaker Office 2008 as much as hundreds of thousands of other people do, you should consider upgrading to its successor, SoftMaker Office 2012.

The Microsoft Word compatible word processor that's so easy to use that you'll begin to wonder why you struggled with Microsoft Word for so long.
The Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet that opens and saves all your Excel workbooks and comes with many time-saving functions.
The presentation-graphics program that not only lets you access all your PowerPoint files, but also makes your life easier with many additional features.

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