luni, 19 martie 2012

HistoryBlock :: Add-ons for Firefox

This tool will allow the user to specify a list of hosts to be blocked from the history tab, the recently closed tabs list, and the download manager (ctrl+j). HistoryBlock is a Firefox Add-on that works comparably to the newly created Chrome's Incognito mode, but without the necessity of switching modes while using the browser (or opening in new windows, etc).

Click the "Options" button under the addon and add a hostname to be blocked.


Alternatively, now you can simply right-click on a page and hit "Block This!" to automatically add the hostname and/or subdomain of the current page to the blacklist.

How HistoryBlock differs from other addons
Addons like Stealther enable a mode which can be turned on or off, whereas HistoryBlock is constantly blocking blacklisted domains. Other addons will block all history/downloads/etc, not just those which you would like blocked. Additionally, HistoryBlock does not require the user to remember to turn on or off the blacklisting (perfect if you want to hide that you are hiding something as it is impossible to forget to turn it off again).

Why I created HistoryBlock
At work, I have a lot of downtime, for one, so it was easy filling that time with my personal development work. Secondly, I frequent less-than-reputable websites while at work, and have occasionally needed to step away from my computer without locking it, leaving such sites in the history. I wanted an addon that would block my known frequented sites from showing in the history/downloads/etc, but leave the other stuff. If a boss walked by and looked at my computer before, he'd see all sorts of nonsense that I would be reprimanded for (no doubt), and if I used an addon like Stealther, he would see NO browsing history which would raise flags and cause more spying on my activities.

HOWEVER, with HistoryBlock, he cannot 1) see any history/downloads/etc that I have blocked the hostname of, 2) see a lack of websites being visited (he would see slashdot, but not wowarmory, for instance), and 3) cannot easily see any icons or otherwise which would make him believe I am hiding something.

Important facts
* HistoryBlock keeps all blacklisted data hashed, so the about:config page will NOT reveal any information to anyone who gains access to your computer.
* HistoryBlock blocks:
---- history entries
---- recently closed tab entries
---- download manager entries
---- cache entries
---- cookie entries

Additional comments
I am always looking to improve HistoryBlock. If there is a feature that you feel is missing or a bug that you have found, feel free and email me (at the support email) and let me know about it. I will get back to you as soon as I can and hopefully fix/add those suggestions in future releases.

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