marți, 24 aprilie 2012


primit de pe net ... ca o fi corecta informatia, ca n-o fi, nu avem deocamdata cum sa stim, insa e bine sa cercetam aspectul si sa fim in garda ...
ideea e ca pe site-ul din link chiar exista un comunicat BASF ca au inceput testele pe (la) noi :( ... daca e real, e nasol ...

ceea ce trebuie noi sa intelegem este ca merele din gradina bunicii, cu tot cu viermii lor, sint mult mai bune pentru organismul nostru decit cele din supermarket ... si sa incercam, pe cit posibil sa ajutam la crearea si intretinerea unei gradini de legume oriunde avem ocazia, la tara ... sa avem stupi daca putem ... sa bem sucuri facute in casa ... sa avem grija de noi si familia noastra!


cu drag ...



Atentia la faina de Titan si painea de Titan, MALAI SUPERIOR FAMIGLIA(Lujerului SA), biscuitii Rostar, mezelurile Aldis, margarina Delma, Taiteii de casa Baneasa si tot ce contine specificatia CODEX ALIMENTARIUS!
- informatie urgenta!
Dr. ing. Marian BADIU
Director Departament Cercetare 
ICECON S.A.Bucuresti
Filiala Braila
str. Anton PANN nr. 18
810496-Braila, ROMANIA
Tel: +40 239 61 94 05
Fax: +40 239 67 43 24
Mobile: +40-(0)0747 060 297

Paine otravita in Romania - informatie urgenta!
Pe pachetele de pâine Titan scrie deja cã pâinea este fabricatã conform Codex Alimentarius. 
România va experimenta pe populatie produsul
Experimentul "Codex Alimentarius" începe cu România. De la 31 decembrie 2009, Guvernul Boc a fost obligat de... UE sã înceapã implementarea "Codexului", alãturi de alte 165 de state semnatare (95% din populatia planetei).
"Codex Alimentarius" este un pachet de norme dupã care se vor alimenta populatiile tãrilor semnatare. Acesta porneste de la principiul cã Terra nu mai poate hrãni pe toatã lumea natural, ca atare se va trece la hrana artificialã, din produse chimice, cea modificatã genetic etc.
Nu a trecut o lunã si iatã cã apare stirea cã România este prima  tarã din lume care va folosi în agriculturã un compus chimic pe bazã de initium, un ingredient activ din noua clasã a substantelor chimice impuse de"Codex Alimentarius". Produsele vor furnizate de compania germanã BASF si vor fi folosite pentru culturile de struguri, cartofi, rosii, castraveti si ceapa. Pentru publicul larg se spune cã "beneficiile pe care le-ar aduce aceastã substantã sunt legate în primul rând de combaterea dãunãtorilor, dar, totodatã ea micsoreazã si durata în care se obtine recolta." Dupã ce acest produs va fi experimentat în România, urmeazã sã fie omologatã utilizarea lui si în Olanda, Germania , Franta, SUA, Canada  si Marea Britanie. Neoficial, conform cercetãtorilor care combat "Codex Alimentarius", folosirea produselor cu initium sporeste cu pânã la 65% rata riscului de cancer de colon, substantã care intrã rapid în combinatii chimice, devenind rezidualã în organism. De pilda 1 mg de initium intrat în organism o singurã datã se eliminã în aproape un an. Or, dacã acest produs este folosit zilnic, practic el nu mai este eliminat din organism. Apoi, asa cum INITIUM ajutã la cresterea rapidã a celulelor leguminoase, la fel de repede va conduce la mãrirea tumorilor maligne. Domnul Basescu a fost singurul presedinte care a APROBAT CA ROMANIA SA FIE COBAI PTR STUDIUL ACESTUI iNITIUM. CEL CARE SE IMPLICA IN IMPLEMENTARE ESTE ACTUALUL MINISTRU AL AGRICULTURII prin ale carui firme se si comercializeaza acest initium. 
Pe acest site, BASF-ul se lãuda pe 11 ianuarie !!!!!! cã pentru prima datã în lume a fost autorizat într-un timp record fungicidul Initium care în România va fi vândut sub numele EnervinT ptr chipurile protectia viilor,SOLARIS ptr rosii,ZAMBRO ptr cartofi.
Ar fi bine sã rãspânditi cât mai mult informatia pt. cã asa cum s-a întâmplat cu vaccinurile contra cancerului de col uterin si împotriva gripei porcine  se pare cã nu este în zadar.

First approval worldwide of fungicides with Initium®for wine and vegetables

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  • New fungicide products authorized by Romania in record time

  • Wine and vegetable growers profit from high efficacy and environmental compatibility



, Germany – January 11, 2010 – Romania was the first country worldwide to authorize Initium


products. Registration came at just the right moment, since wine growing in Romania is currently undergoing profound changes – Romanian winegrowers aim to establish themselves in the European market by improvements in quality. The innovative fungicide product will help the winegrowers to move over more quickly to profitable, high quality production.


In addition to the Initium product for grapes, which will be available in Romania from 2010 onwards under the name Enervin™, authorization was also granted for Zampro™, an Initium-based fungicide for the specialty crops potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. Both products were extensively tested in field trials and showed high selectivity and efficacy against late blight and downy mildew. "Because of the very favourable environmental profile of Initium, the products were authorized in the record time of four years," said Roland Ringel, Head of the Initium Global Development Project. And in fact, Initium products are not only in high degree environmentally compatible, they are also very user-friendly – they dissolve rapidly and dust-free in water, thus saving time and ensuring extra safety.


With the registration in Romania, BASF has reached an important milestone in its growth strategy for Central and Eastern Europe. Initium products will complement the portfolio alongside other modern compounds like the recently launched Cabrio


Top, a multi disease fungicide for grapes. Next to Enervin™, Cabrio Top is expected to become a driving force in plant protection for grapes in Romania. As early as 2010 Romanian wine and vegetable growers can benefit from BASF's comprehensive range of sustainable crop protection solutions. Forecasts indicate that Central and Eastern European countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine will drive market growth in Europe during the next years. The crop protection market in Romania is expected to more than double over the period from 2007 to 2016. "Romanian farmers want to compete successfully on the European market. For this reason there is a great interest in innovative technologies", said Michael Hess, Head of Central Europe Crop Protection. "Our highly effective and environmentally compatible crop protection products will enable winegrowers and farmers to produce high yields and healthy crops with only minimum residue levels in accordance with EU regulations." Initium products are expected to be registered in the Netherlands and Great Britain in the first half of 2010.

Other European countries will follow.


About the Crop Protection division

With sales of €3.4 billion in 2008, BASF's Crop Protection division is a leader in crop protection and a strong partner to the farming industry providing well-established and innovative fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Farmers use these products and services to improve crop yields and crop quality. Other uses include public health, structural/urban pest control, turf and ornamental plants, vegetation management, and forestry. BASF aims to turn knowledge rapidly into market success. The vision of BASF's Crop Protection division is to be the world's leading innovator, optimizing agricultural production, improving nutrition, and thus enhancing the quality of life for a growing world population. Further information can be found on the web at




About BASF

BASF is the world's leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics and performance products to agricultural products, fine chemicals and oil and gas. As a reliable partner BASF helps its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility.BASF posted sales of more than €62 billion in 2008 and had approximately 97,000employees as of the end of the year. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet

News Source : First approval worldwide of fungicides with Initium®for wine and vegetables

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