marți, 24 aprilie 2012

DropIt - Automatic File Organizer To Sort Your Files

When you need to organize files, DropIt can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around.

You can configure DropIt to perform 12 different actions on your files and folders (Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Delete, Open With, Create List, Create Playlist, Create Shortcut, Copy to Clipboard, Ignore), filtering files by name, extension, location, size, dates and/or using regular expressions. You can even save sets of associations in profiles and associate a profile to each desired folder, to scan monitored folders at a defined time interval.

Drop a group of different files and folders on the floating DropIt image and it sorts them to defined destination folders, compresses or extracts them, opens them with associated programs or performs other defined actions.

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