marți, 13 septembrie 2011

Indian Scout Talks

Alfabetul nescris indian ... language of footprints :)
Cu multumiri pentru Dragos, care ne-a semnalat aparitia cartii ...
eu am creat un pdf pentru a fi mai usor arhivata ...
si acum ... sa nu mai ziceti ca nu stiti ce pfadiname sa va alegeti ... iata o lista intreaga :) atit doar ca habar n-am cum se pronunta ...
Title: Indian Scout Talks
       A Guide for Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls

Author: Charles A. Eastman

Release Date: September 10, 2011 [EBook #37373]


I.At Home With Nature1
II.Indian Methods of Physical Training7
III.How to Make Friends With Wild Animals15
IV.The Language of Footprints25
V.Hunting With Sling-shot and Bow and Arrow34
VI.Primitive Modes of Trapping and Fishing42
VII.How to Make and Handle Indian Canoes48
VIII.The Camp Site and the Carry55
IX.How to Build Wigwams and Shelters61
X.Fire Without Matches and Cooking Without Pots69
XI.How to Make and Follow a Blazed Trail77
XII.Indian Signals in Camp and Field85
XIII.An Indian Boy's Sports91
XIV.A Winter Masque99
XV.An Indian Girl's Sports106
XVI.Indian Names and Their Significance112
XVII.Indian Girls' Names and Symbolic Decorations120
XVIII.The Language of Feathers and Ceremonial Dress126
XIX.Indian Ceremonies for Boy Scouts137
XX.The Maidens' Feast: A Ceremony for Girls146
XXI.The Gesture-language of the Indian151
XXII.Indian Picture-writing159
XXIII.Wood-craft and Weather Wisdom168
XXIV.The Art of Story-telling175
XXV.Etiquette of the Wigwam182
XXVI.Training for Service188



Portrait of the Author, Dr. Charles A. EastmanFrontispiece
1. Method of Tracking a Moose32
2. Framework of the Wigwam62
3. The Wigwam63
4. Framework of the Teepee65
5. The Teepee65
6. Implements for Making a Fire Without Matches70
7. Making the Fire71
8-10. Ground Arrows94
11. Indian Symbol for the Home120
12. Indian Symbol for the Four Points of the Compass121
13. Indian Symbol for Life Here and Here-after121
14. Indian Symbol for Happiness in the Home121
15. Indian Symbol for Eternal Union121
16. Indian Symbol for Footprints121
17. Indian Symbol for Lightning or Destruction122
18. Indian Symbol for Mountains or Prayer122
19. Figure of the Thunder-Bird143
20. The Peace Pipe145
21-26. Indian Picture Writings160

Here are some honor names for Boy Scouts.

Wam-blee´-skah. White Eagle.
Ta-tonk´-ah-sap´-ah. Black Buffalo.
Mah-to´-skah. White Bear.
Chay-ton´-ho-tah. Gray Falcon.
Chay-ton´-wah-koo´-wah. Charging Falcon.
Kan-gee´-loo-tah. Red Raven.
Kan-gee´-wah-kan. Sacred Raven.
Mah-kah´-skah. White Earth.
Mah-pee´-yah-to. Blue Sky.
Mah-pee´-yah-loo´-tah. Red Sky (or Cloud).
Wah-kan´-glee-o´-ta. Many Lightnings.
Tah-tay´-an-pah. Wind, or Storm.
O-han´-zee. Shadow (Comforting).
Pay´-tah. Fire.
Tah-wah´-soo-o´-ta. His Hailstorm (Forcible, or Impetuous).
We-hin´-ah-pay. Rising Sun.
We´-e-yah-yah. Setting Sun.
Ah-kee´-chee-tah. Soldier.
O-hit´-e-kah. Brave.
Wan´-ah-ton. Charger.
O´-tak-tay. Kills or Strikes Many.
Tee-tonk´-ah. Big Lodge.
Chank-oo´-wash-tay. Good Road.
Nah-pay´-shnee. He does not flee (Courageous).
E´-nap-ay. Comes Out (Appears Bravely).
Wah-chin´-tonk-ah. Patient.
Wah-chink´-sap-ah. Wise, Clear-headed.
Tah-ko´-dah. Friend to them all.
O-dah´-ko-tah. Friendly.
Tah-o´-han-o´-tah. His Many Good Deeds.
Tah-wah´-hink-pay-o´-tah. His Many Arrows (Resourceful).
Ko-han´-nah. Swift.
O´-gal-lee-shah. Red Shirt.
Ho´-wah-kan. Mysterious Voice.
Wah-nah´-gee-skah. White Spirit.
Wah-nee´-kee-yah. Savior.
Wah-hah´-chank-ah. Shield.

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