joi, 4 februarie 2010

Freeware: ImportExportTools

Un add-on excelent pentru Thunderbird!

ImportExportTools (MboxImport enhanced)

(italian page) <>

MboxImport becomes ImportExportTools and gives you new features.
Now the extension allows you to export and import messages with more
flexibility, with the following options:

Tools Menu --> ImportExportTools
Context menu on folders panel --> Import/Export

- export of folder in a single file (mbox format), with also the
subfolders if you want;
- export of all messages in single files (eml format);
- export of all messages in single files (html or plain text
format), with an index;
- export of all messages in one single plain text file;
- export of index of the messages in a folder (HTML or CSV format);
- mbox files import;
- eml files import;
- import of all the eml files existing in a directory;
- export of all files of all mail files of the profile (just from
the "Tools" menu);
- search with various criteria and export messages;

File menu --> Save selected messages
Context menu of thread panel --> Save selected messages

- saving multiple messages in eml/html/plain text format with just a

Message menu --> Copy to clipboard
Context menu of thread panel --> Copy to clipboard

- copy the message or all headers to clipboard.

Context menu on an EML attachment

- import file in the folder

*To install the extension, follow this procedure:
*- download the xpi file that you find in this page or in the homepage,
right clicking on the link and choosing "Save target as";
- in Thunderbird, go in "Tools" --> "Addons" (or "Extensions") and click
on "Install";
- pick the xpi file you downloaded and follow the instructions;
- restart Thunderbird.

Important notes:

- if the mbox file is not standard, you'll have a warning and you can
try to import the file the same, because sometimes the import can work
also with mbox files a little corrupted;
- at the name of mbox file, it will be added a random number from 1 to
999, to avoid coincidence of names with the other folders;
- the files are imported as they were all of received mails, so it's
shown the sender and not the receiver. If you want that it's shown the
receiver, you must import the file as subfolder of the "Sent";
- you can't import in IMAP or NEWS accounts or folders;
- you can import more mbox file with one click;
- because of a limit in filepicker itself, importing a big number of eml
files can fail (if the total number of the chars of their names is more
than 4096). You can bypass this limit, using the option to import all
the eml files existing in a directory;
- from the 2.2 version, it's possible to import also messages saved from
"View-source"in Hotmail website.

- the exported file is automatically renamed, if necessary. You can
anyway overwrite the files with the same name, if you enable this option
in the extension preferences;
- if you choose to export all the mail folders of the account or also
the subfodlers, will be exported all the folders that aren't empty file;
- with IMAP or NEWS folders, the export in mbox format will work just
for the single folder, even without the "offline" option enabled;
- if the account is very large, the export can take some time,
especially with IMAP or NEWS folders;
- in the status bar, you can see the progress of export;
- the extension can import and export the folders with their subfolders,
keeping their structure. To export in this way, choose from the
"Import/Export" menu the item "Export folder with subfolders (with
structure)" and you'll have a file, with the folder name, and a
directory, with the folder name plus ".sbd". To import, choose from the
import dialog the item "Import one or more mbox files, with its/their
subdirectory" and select just the mbox file;
- export of messages in plain text can be not perfect;
- in messages export, it is used the subject to build the filename,
converting the not-ascii chars in "_". You can avoid this conversion,
choosing the option about it in extension preferences (Note: from 1.2.1
version by default the extension uses the original chars).
- export in HTML or plain text format *DOESN'T SAVE* the attachments,
like happens usually in Thunderbird. If you need to export/save messages
with their attachments, use the EML or the mbox format.
- copy to clipboard, when it's possible, is in HTML format; if you want
it always in text format, you can choose this option in preferences
panel (Note: this can give compatibility problems pasting in other
- export all messages of a folder, the files will have the name created
by subject+index+date. If you prefer the order date+subject+index,
enable this option in preferences panel;
- from 2.1.1 version, you can set the file time with the date of the
message. This option is disabled by default and you can enable it
setting the preference "mboximport.export.set_filetime" to true;
- usually export in HTML format reproduces the original HTML of the
message, even it's displayed just as text. If you want to export in HTML
respecting the view options of Thunderbird, you must enable, in
preferences panel, the option "HTML format as displayed in messages
panel". *NOTE:* this option can fix, in some cases, encoding problems
due to bug 384127 <>;
- from 2.2 version you can set predefined directories for export.

At the present the extension has italian, english, spanish (thanks to
Chuzo), slovak (thanks to Branislav Rozbora), japanese (thanks to Kiki),
russian (thanks to PiVV), german (thanks to Alexander Ihrig), french
(thanks to myahoo), polish (thanks to Leepa), portoguese (thanks to
lloco and RodrigoBiker), hungarian (thanks to Cashman), czech (thanks to
Ludek Finstrle) dutch (thanks to markh), korean (thanks to wtspout),
traditional chinese (thanks to jackbin), simplified chinese (thanks to
Jin Jian and steekid), danish (thanks to Joergen), galician (thanks to
damufo). Some locales could be unfinished. If you are interested in
traslating the extension in other languages, please do it through
Babelzilla project <>.

*Known issues:*
- export folders with structure has some bugs and for this reason some
features don't work well;
- some localizations could be unfinished.

The extension is compatible with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0 and has the
autoupdate enabled.


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