Daca ai un DVD player LG9900 probabil ai fost exasperat de fonturile minuscule ale subtitrarii la filmele DivX.
Solutia: schimbi firmware-ul aparatului.
Pentru aparatul LG9900 sunt doua firmware pe care le poti incerca. Eu am incercat-o pe prima si fiind multumit, n-am mai incercat-o si pe a doua (care am inteles ca are facilitati multiple, fonturi colorate samd).
Instructiunile de upgrade le gasesti in arhiva, trebuie sa le urmezi pas cu pas:
1. Downloadezi de la http://dvx9900.altervista.org/ fisierul v1.R7 CP1250
2. Dezarhiverzi si arzi un CD cu exact structura de directoare rezultata din arhiva.
3. Pui CD-ul in DVD player si urmezi instructiunile din fiserul readme atasat arhivei.
O a doua versiune de firmware este xyprov51_1250.rar pe care o gasesti la http://lg9900.kvalitne.cz/
Se instaleaza la fel.
How to upgrade firmware:
1. Check the player "Model ID":
a. Make sure there is no disc inside
b. Go to SETUP/DISPLAY/TV Aspect and highlight 16:9
c. Press sequentially: 1, 3, 9 ,7, 1, 3, 9, ENTER
d. A system information page will appear
(note: factory defaults will be restored)
2. Rename the firmware file to "LV9D10203B.MIH" (modelul aparatului descoperit ca mai sus)
3. Burn the "LG_DVD" folder on a CD-R/RW at the minimum burn speed
4. Load the disc in the player and follow the on-screen instructions
5. The upgrade process takes up to 2 minutes. When finished, the player will reboot
6. Restore factory defaults (see step 1)
How to upgrade firmware:
1. Check the player "Model ID":
a. Make sure there is no disc inside
b. Go to SETUP/DISPLAY/TV Aspect and highlight 16:9
c. Press sequentially: 1, 3, 9 ,7, 1, 3, 9, ENTER
d. A system information page will appear
(note: factory defaults will be restored)
2. Rename the firmware file to "
3. Burn the "LG_DVD" folder on a CD-R/RW at the minimum burn speed
4. Load the disc in the player and follow the on-screen instructions
5. The upgrade process takes up to 2 minutes. When finished, the player will reboot
6. Restore factory defaults (see step 1)
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