(OMG nu inseamna Oh My God cum ati putea voi sa credeti ci Organisme Modificate Genetic, care provoaca, cancer!!! prin faptul ca sint "programate" sa se dezvolte nenatural, "ingrasate cu pompa" ...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Romanii cer interzicerea OMG - sondaj IMAS / Romanians want a ban on GMOs |
Date: | Wed, 12 May 2010 15:46:04 +0300 |
From: | InfOMG <infomg@ngo.ro> |
To: | presslist@ngo.ro |
(Please see English version below) Stimati jurnalisti, Dragi Colegi, 81,5% dintre romani vor ca autoritatile romanesti sa interzica organismele modificate genetic iar 74,1% dintre romani nu doresc sa consume organisme modificate genetic, potrivit sondajului national IMAS, realizat in aprilie 2010. Rezultatele sondajului dau motive puternice autoritatilor romanesti sa interzica in regim de urgenta cultivarea porumbului modificat genetic MON810 (singura planta modificata genetic autorizata pentru cultivare comerciala in UE). Centrul de Informare asupra Organismelor Modificate Genetic - InfOMG va asteapta cu detalii la conferinta de presa "Motive puternice pentru interzicerea porumbului modificat genetic in Romania", joi, 13 mai 2010, ora 11:00, la magazinul ecologic Cosul Verde (Piata Avram Iancu, nr. 13) - Cluj Napoca. Participa cu declaratii la conferinta: - Ramona Duminicioiu, consilier juridic, presedinte Centrul de Informare asupra Organismelor Modificate Genetic - InfOMG. - Conf. Dr. Aurel Maxim, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Cluj Napoca - USAMV Cluj. - Willy Schuster, fermier certificat ecologic, vicepresedinte al asociatiei de tarani Eco Ruralis. Comunicatul de presa InfOMG poate fi gasit aici: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/Comunicat%20sondaj%20de%20opinie%20OMG%20Romania.pdf Sondajul de opinie cu rezultatele detaliate: http://www.infomg.ro/storage/Photos/Sondaj%20OMNIBUS_OMG.pdf Machete rezultate sondaj: - Intrebarea 1: Dvs.ati consuma produse modificate genetic? 74,1% dintre respondenti au raspuns NU: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/Plansa1.png - Intrebarea 2: Credeti ca autoritatile romanesti ar trebui sa interzica organismele modificate genetic? 81,5% dintre respondenti au raspuns DA: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/Plansa%202.png Pentru informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa ne contactati: Centrul de Informare asupra Organismelor Modificate Genetic -- InfOMG Persoane de contact: Ramona Duminicioiu -- consilier juridic, presedinte InfOMG ramona@infomg.ro <mailto:ramona@infomg.ro> / 0746 337 022 Conf. Dr. Maxim Aurel -- USAMV Cluj maxim0067@yahoo.com <mailto:maxim0067@yahoo.com> / 0740 586 296 Atila Szocs - manager proiecte InfOMG attila.szocs@infomg.ro / 0745 779 036 Willy Schuster - fermier ecologic, vicepresedinte Eco Ruralis (www.ecoruralis.ro ) ecoruralis@gmail.com / 0752 108 184 Birou InfOMG: Strada David Francisc, nr. 10, ap. 5 400102 -- Cluj Napoca, Romania Tel/Fax: 0264 599 204 E-mail: contact@infomg.ro <mailto:contact@infomg.ro> / infomg.romania@gmail.com <mailto:infomg.romania@gmail.com> Web: www.infomg.ro <http://www.infomg.ro/> ============================= Dear members of the press, Dear colleagues, According to a national opinion poll (Omnibus system, made by IMAS) from in April, this year, 81,5% of Romanians want the Romanian authorities to ban genetically modified organisms and 74,1% don't want to consume genetically modified organisms. The results of the opinion poll give Romanian authorities a strong argument for an immediate ban on the GM maize MON810 (the only GM crop authorized within the EU). The Genetically Modified Organisms Information Centre - InfOMG invites you to learn more details at the press conference which will take place on 13 May at the organic shop Cosul Verde (Piata Avram Iancu, nr. 13) - Cluj Napoca, Romania. Speakers at the press conference: - Ramona Duminicioiu -- juridical consultant, president of the Genetically Modified Organisms Information Centr - InfOMG Romania. - Conf. Dr. Aurel Maxim - Agro-ecology professor at the Agronomy University Cluj - USAMV Cluj, Romania. - Willy Schuster - organic farmer, Vicepresident of farmers association Eco Ruralis InfOMG's press release can be found here: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/Press%20release%20opinion%20poll%20GMO%20Romania.pdf The opinion poll can be found here: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/Opinion%20pool_OMNIBUS_GMO_Romania.pdf Charts with results of the opinion poll: - Question 1: Would you consume genetically modified products? 74,1% of respondents answered NO: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/question%201%20gmo.png - Question 2: Do you think that Romanian authorities should ban genetically modified organisms? 81,5% of respondents answered YES: http://infomg.ro/storage/Photos/question%202%20gmo.png For any further informations, please contact us: The Genetically Modified Organisms Information Centre -- InfOMG Romania Contact persons: Ramona Duminicioiu -- presindent of InfOMG, juridical consultant ramona@infomg.ro <http://ramona@infomg.ro> / +4(0)746 337 022 Conf. Dr. Aurel Maxim -- Agronomy University Cluj, Romania maxim0067@yahoo.com <http://maxim0067@yahoo.com> / +4(0)740 586 296 Willy Schuster -- organic farmer - Vicepresident of farmers association Eco Ruralis ecorualis@gmail.com <http://ecorualis@gmail.com> / www.ecoruralis.ro <http://www.ecoruralis.ro> / +4(0)752 108 184 <mailto:ramona@infomg.ro> InfOMG's office: David Francisc St., no. 10, ap. 5, 400102 -- Cluj Napoca, Romania Phone/Fax: +4(0)264 599 204 E-mail: contact@infomg.ro <http://contact@infomg.ro> / infomg.romania@gmail.com <http://infomg.romania@gmail.com> Web: www.infomg.ro <http://www.infomg.ro>
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