vineri, 16 aprilie 2010

Scouting Units in the United States

Baietii astia cercetasi .... pensionari au strins o multime de materiale virtuale intr-o biblioteca extrem de bine organizata:

Retired Scouter's Sites:

Scouting Information:

Online (Linked) Resources:
Links: 14,874. - April 28/09.

Scouting Units:

Scouting Information:

These texts are available from the Internet Archive Library. The way that I understand the process is that all of the below are either in the public domain or have had their copyright enforcement waved.

Some of the books are interesting from an historical point of view, and I'm including them here just for convenience.

If you click on 'Download' the file will begin downloading to you from the Internet Archive. None of the files reside on this server.

Oh, by the way... I prefer the PDF versions of the files. The TXT versions seem to leave a bit to be desired.

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