vineri, 19 noiembrie 2010

Twister: un joc pentru toti cercetasii

daca nu putem cumpara, merita sa facem unul ... e usor ...

Descrierea jucăriei

Disponibil în varianta Twister Party în care ruleta se poate transforma
în frisby iar jocul nu este în cutie ci într-o geantă care facilitează

Twister e un joc simplu dar care devine complicat în momentul în care
jucătorii ajung înnodaţi la propriu!
Covoraşul care formează suprafaţa de joc (cu dimensiunea de 1,85x1,35 m)
are desenat pe el câte 6 cercuri de culori diferite. Materialul este
rezistent, dar nu are aderenţă foarte mare, aşa că trebuie să te asiguri
că nu vei aluneca. Cine atinge covorul cu genunchiul sau cotul este

Ai dat o petrecere şi nu ştii cum să începi distracţia?
Twister este cea mai bună opţiune!
Este captivant şi atractiv, potrivit pentru toată familia.
Un joc ce nu ţine cont de vârstă!
Conţine instrucţiuni în limba română.

A revenit Twister – Jocul care te înoadă la propriu!

iulie 28, 2007 — jucarila

Dupa o perioada de absenta, am readus un produs foarte cerut cu ceva
timp in urma:
ne parea rau ca nu se mai gasea (din punctul nostru de vedere s-a vandut
foarte bine), mai ales ca au fost si cativa clienti care chiar s-au
suparat ca nu au apucat sa-l comande. Asadar, va dorim sa aveti din nou
parte de cat mai multa distractie alaturi de prieteni.

Pentru cei care nu stiu, jocul Twister este o sursa sigura de animare a
unei petreceri, si isi va face aceasta datorie garantat. Se joaca in 2
pana la 6 jucatori (cu cat mai multi, cu atat mai bine ) iar jucatorii
care nu reusesc sa isi pastreze echilibrul vor fi eliminati. Distractia
incepe imediat dupa primele mutari, cand incep sa se inoade mainile si
picioarele. Mutarile se fac in functie de ce indica ruleta (mana stanga
sau dreapta, piciorul stang sau drept, si o culoare dintre cele 4
existente) iar tu va trebui sa gasesti cat mai repede un loc liber unde
sa faci mutarea. Dupa cateva partide, sigur vei fi un bun echilibrist.

Iar pentru "lupta" de final, cand mai raman 2 jucatori pe covor, va
dezvalui o strategie personala: Inghesuie-ti adversarul in colturi prin
mutarile care le faci, si "înoadă-l" cat mai mult. Va cadea sau va
ramane fara spatii de mutari.

Twister remains a beloved childhood game that both families
<> and friends love to
play. The hilarity comes in trying to contort your body to get your
hands and feet to the right circles without any other part of your body
touching the ground. While many choose to buy a boxed kit of the mat and
spinner needed to play Twister, a homemade version can be made just as

Preschoolers Indoor Twister

1. Twister is an excellent game for teaching preschoolers their
colors and shapes. Cut out large circles from red, green, yellow
and blue construction paper and tape evenly on the floor. A
homemade spinner can quickly be made from coloring small circles
on a paper plate and attaching an arrow with a brass paper
fastener. Designate one child to spin and watch as all the other
children race to put their foot or hand on the right color.
Instead of cutting out all circles, use other shapes such as
squares, hearts, ovals and so on to help the children work on
identifying shapes as well. Another advantage of making your
homemade twister game is you can make the playing area as large as
you wish so your preschoolers can play freely without being
knocked over. Laminating the shapes will keep the game more
durable for multiple playings. As students are able, start using
the terms "left" and "right" to teach them how to distinguish the

Children Indoor Twister

2. Older children can make a more personalized twister mat by
decorating their own colored circles. Have each child decorate
four circles alike. Choosing a theme such as animals
<> will help simplify the
spinner when ready to play. The announcer or spinner can call out
which foot or hand and animal
<> to play. For an
educational twist, the teacher can place vocabulary words or math
answers on the colored circles. The teacher or announcer can call
out which foot or hand plus the vocabulary definition or mental
math problem to find.

Outdoor Twister

3. On a beautiful summer day, play twister underneath the sprinklers.
Set up a large black tarp that can be bolted into the ground at
the four corners. Paint the circles in red, green, yellow and blue
paint and let dry. Play with it as is or turn on the sprinklers to
see if you can keep from falling down when slippery.

Spin the dial. It lands on Right Hand Green. All players must place
their right hand on a
green circle. Spin again. Now it lands on Left Hand Blue. Keeping their
right hand on the
green circle, all players must now place their left hand on a blue
circle. Players
continue in this fashion as they weave their way through the colorful
board. Fall down or
let your knee touch the ground, and it's over for you! For 2 to 4 players.

Tips for throwing a Twister party

I would have thought Twister was supposed to appeal only to kids. That
was my impression growing up. And then I found out it could be a
drinking game in college.

Twister can be fun for the whole family. It could be fun for the
perverted. Depending on who you want to get together, there are
different ways to throw a Twister party.

For adults, I would think a Twister party is a great way to meet people
on a college campus or in co-ed dormitories. Wouldn't require a lot of
advertising. It's self-entertainment and the purpose is to draw people
together who may just be looking to hook-up.

Strange to go from that to thinking this game could be appealing to
toddlers to 12-year-olds for something like a birthday party. Great for
developing coordination and comprehension with simple instruction and
physical play that are stimulating for mind and play.

Twister can be played anywhere and planning a party could include at the
beach or a park, or just at home. This is definitely a game that is not
about winning, but having fun.

Twister is played on a large plastic mat that is spread on the floor or
ground. The mat is like a board game. It has four rows of large colored
circles on it with a different color in each row: red, yellow, blue, and
green. A spinner <> is
attached to a square board and serves as a die for the game. The spinner
<> is divided into four
labeled sections: right foot, left foot, right hand, and left hand. Each
of those four sections is divided into the four colors (red, yellow,
blue, and green). After spinning, the combination is called (example:
right hand yellow) and players must move their matching hand or foot to
a dot of the correct color. In a two-player game, no two people can have
a hand or foot on the same circle—rules are different for more people.
Due to the scarcity of colored circles, players will often be required
to put themselves in unlikely or precarious positions, eventually
causing someone to fall. A person is eliminated when they fall or when
their elbow or knee touches the mat. There is no limit to how many can
play at once, but more than four is a tight fit.

Cum se face:

Detalii foto:

Remember Twister? "The game that ties you up in knots"? Well this is a
great teaching aid for reinforcing or even introducing "left" and
"right" and body parts ( foot, hand at least ) and the colors red, blue,
green and yellow. If you make your own Twister sheet you could add more
colors or change them to whatever colors you want.

We have the board game and you can buy it online probably. You could
make one for free though. If you were to make your own you should use
some kind of plastic as the main playing board and then paint the
circles on the sheet. Paper would work but would get ripped very quickly
as the kids are required to stand on and get down on their hands and
knees on it to play. The dial used to select the color and body part
could be done with a box and paper. Write the words "left hand", "right
hand" "left foot" and "right foot" on green, red, yellow and blue pieces
of paper. So that is 16 pieces of paper in total in a box or jar. Just
have the judge pull out a paper from a box or jar to select the color
and body part.

Basic rules:
One person, preferably the teacher or an advanced student or learner can
spin the dial and tells the players or learners the color and body part.
The at the same time place that body part on the color. This is repeated
with the players moving to different colors with their hands and feet.
Now you are not supposed to lift body parts off the sheet to get more
comfortable. You can adjust your body a bit and it is up to the teacher
of judge just how strict to be of course. Keep it fun so everyone wins.
The idea is for the learners to remember the colors and body parts of
course and if everyone can win then all the better.

On the Twister game box it says the game is for 2 to 4 players and
designed for ages 6 and up. The vinyl sheet with the colored circles on
it is about 20 feet by 12 feet or so. You can see how many circles there
are but if you were to make it you could have fewer or more depending on
how big a sheet you could get. Probably easiest just to buy the game

NOTE: This Blog is in no way affiliated with the Twister game or Milton
Bradley. I am just giving the reader some ESL kids class game ideas.

Cu drag,
Radu Serban


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