luni, 8 noiembrie 2010

De pe net: Fwd: Referendum European

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A Referendum for Natural Remedies
The protection of our health is one of the most fundamental human rights
and yet, every year, millions of Europeans die from preventable health
problems like heart attacks, strokes and cancer.
Scientific findings have shown that these diseases (and many others) can
be prevented using side-effect free natural remedies. To date, over
10,000 studies have been published in the scientific press and on the
Internet demonstrating the vital importance of vitamins and other
natural remedies.
However, laws are being introduced at national and European levels which
will ban free access to this vital health information and to
non-patentable natural remedies, such as vitamins.
Nobody should have the power to endanger our right to good health and
long life. We must ensure that we exercise our citizens' rights in order
to protect our health and safeguard our lives.
We call upon the European Union to protect the fundamental right to good
health of all citizens.
We appeal to all responsible politicians in the European Union to carry
out a 'Referendum for Natural Remedies' to guarantee every citizen in
Europe the right to free and unrestricted access to vitamin therapies
and other natural remedies.
We call on the governments of Europe to enshrine the right to
referendums in their national constitutions.
Subiect: Fw: Referendum European
S -a pornit o initiativa de referendum la nivel european
cu scopul de a cere pastrarea remediilor pe baza de
vitamine si a TERAPIILOR NATURISTE care se vor a fi
excluse in baza Codex Alimentarius
Este sansa noastra sa mai putem alege o viata sanatoasa
si naturala. Sunt necesare 1.000.000 de voturi.
Alatura-te si tu daca vrei sa mai avem acces la hrana
sanatoasa si terapii naturiste ori pe baza de vitamine.
PS: putem schimba ceva, dar numai daca actionam!
Trimiteti mai departe tuturor cunoscutilor.

Codex Alimentarius
Tratatul de la Lisabona


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