marți, 29 iunie 2010

River Jude Phoenix

In august ar fi implinit 40 de ani ... In 1993 insa, o supradoza de drog
i-a rapus aceasta sansa.
Aseara un post polonez de televiziune mi-a reamintit filmul "Mosquito
Coast" ...
"Stand by Me" este, probabil, cel mai bun film in care a jucat.

Iata citeva din citatele acestui pusti teribil:


"I would rather quit while I was ahead. There's no need in overstaying your welcome."

"I feel that there are great minds up there who would like to see what I can do with an Oscar nomination. I guess many people would change after a nomination in the way they see things. In my case it's really irrelevant in terms of what I do. Still, it was an incredible experience which I will put in my memories, like everything else."

"If I have some celebrity, I hope I can use it to make a difference. The true social reward is that I can speak my mind and share my thoughts about the enviroment and civilisation itself. There's so much shit happening with people who are exploiting their positions and creating a lot of negativity."

"Every day of my life since I finished My Own Private Idaho (1991), at some point in the day, I find the conversation somehow goes back to that film, because it was just such a great experience. I just start getting all joyous and start babbling about it."

"Animals are not our playthings. We are on this earth to protect them. It's our duty."

"I project a definite innocence. A lot of that is just the way I grew up."

"In simplicity there is truth."

"I want kids, a family of my own. I'd like to give them the first eight years of their lives in the country. Then I'd want them educated, which I wasn't formally, although I had a tutor once when I was twelve. At times I miss a formal education, but at others I thank God for everything else I have now. What I have got from my childhood aren't toys, but memories. And happy memories are better than any toy."

"It's a great feeling to think that I can be a friend to so many people through my movies."

"I'm having a kind of hard time keeping my head above water in this crazy business."

"In Stand by Me (1986), I realized that what I was creating was going to live on far longer than anything of me as a person. The characters are more powerful than the person that creates them."

"We need an extreme movement because what is happening to animals is so extreme. Some misinformed people claim that animal rights activists are terrorists, but these people are simply ignorant of who the real terrorists are - the companies and industries that torture literally billions of animals each year."

"I don't see any point or any good in drugs that are as disruptive as cocaine."

"It still strikes me as strange that anyone could have a moral objection against somebody's sexuality, it's like telling someone else how to clean their house."

"Addiction is not just for bad people or scumbags - it's a universal disease."

"Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace."

"I'm in love with the human race and this planet we live on. I see life as very fresh and beautiful. I'm against the nuclear arms race and apartheid in South Africe and cruelty to animals, which means I'm a vegetarian. Diet is a good place to stars making a change, because it's something I can do. I can't on my own change the regime in South Africa or teach the Palestinians to live with the Israelis, but I can start with me. I believe we live an incredible time, and if we all come together on important issues we could really accomplish a lot."

"Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on."

"I have a lot of chameleon qualities, I get very absorbed in my surroundings."

"I don't want to die in a car accident. When I die it'll be a glorious day. It'll probably be a waterfall."

"I don't want to be forgotten."

Don't worry River, you will never be forgotten.


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