Aceasta mica aplicatie, numara minutele invers si cind a ajuns la -60
iti semnaleaza ca ar fi cazul sa te ridici de pe scaun si sa faci doi
trei pasi (un pop-up peste ecran, sau doar clipirea iconului din tray,
eventual un sunet, tu alegi cum sa te faca atent ca au mai trecut 60 de
minutele). E utila si cind te joci ca sa nu uiti ca e cazul sa mai si
mininci! Asta, doar daca tii la tine!
In today's world we sit without moving for long hours in front of the
computer screen. We hurt our eyes, shoulders, backs, and wrists. A short
break every once in a while can reduce repetitive-stress injuries
associated with computer usage. This free utility, which rests in the
system tray, reminds us when to take a break, and it does so in style.
Alte aplicatii similare:
* (in special pentru
dactilografie si chat, are si online report pe email, te piraste
parintilor daca nu iei o pauza :) ...
Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to
take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.
Please refer to the feature comparison
<> for a complete list of features, and
how the program performs with respect to other programs on the market.
The program runs on GNU/Linux <> and Microsoft Windows.
Acesta, cel din urma e si cel mai complex si mai e si in romaneste, dar
este si cel mai agasant, in sensul ca daca tu cu minuta ta il programezi
sa iti interzica sa mai apesi o tasta, apai chiar asta face fara
negociere, bag seama ca tine la tine infiorator de tare!!!!
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