luni, 29 septembrie 2008

12th Jamboree-On-The-Internet

World Scout Bureau, Central Office Bureau Mondial du Scoutisme, Sičge Rue du Pré-Jérôme 5 P.O. Box 91
1211 Geneva 4 Plainpalais SWITZERLAND Phone (+41 22) 705 10 10 Fax (+41 22) 705 10 20 Email Web July 2008

Circular N° 19/2008

To: International Commissioners National JOTA Organizers (NJOs) National JOTI Organizers (NJiOs) National Amateur Radio Organizations Editors of Scout magazines Director of Public Relations
51st Jamboree-On-The-Air / 12th Jamboree-On-The-Internet, 18 - 19 October 2008

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the 51st Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) and the 12th Jamboree-On-The-Internet will be held over the weekend of 18 and 19 October 2008. Please distribute this information to all the Scout groups in your country so they may have the opportunity to take part.

What is the Jamboree-On-The-Air?

The JOTA is an annual event in which about half-a-million Scouts and Guides all over the world make contacts with each other by means of amateur radio. Short-wave radio signals carry their voices to virtually any corner of the world. It's the shear excitement of having a live conversation with a fellow Scout or Guide at some other place in the world that attracts so many young people to this event. JOTA is a true Jamboree during which Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared. It's a unique opportunity for each individual Scout to get the real feeling of belonging to a worldwide movement.

What is the Jamboree-On-The-Internet?

Similarly to the JOTA, the Jamboree-On-The-Internet connects Scouts using Internet techniques.
The JOTI is a separate event, but held on the same weekend as the Jamboree-On-the-Air. Units can choose to take part in either one, or both events.
The JOTA and JOTI are worldwide events. During the weekend, units may normally participate for
48 hours or any part thereof, from Saturday 00:00 h until Sunday 24:00 h local time.
Both JOTA and JOTI are WOSM events to which members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) are kindly invited to take part and enjoy the international atmosphere together with the Scouts.
I promise you all a most enjoyable weekend and hope to meet you on the Internet or on the radio waves.
Yours Sincerely, Luc Panissod


Voice chat (in addition to "keyboard" chatting) will again be featured this year. Please announce and promote it to your participants. See third item for more information on voice chat.
The latest information on this year's JOTI will be announced via the National JOTI Organizers (NJiO) mailing list ( Please be sure that your NJiO is subscribed on this list. To subscribe just send a request mail to j oti@ .
Last minute information will be available on the JOTI website

Some of the services, and safe-guards, which are being provided at include:

* Technical information: rules of participation, tutorial material, access to software, and more... much of it in 20 languages. Every effort has been made to help leaders and young people learn about the Internet and how to use it safely.
* Chatting: this is by far the most popular activity in the JOTI. It is the opportunity to communicate worldwide, in real-time, on as many as 50 different channels in many different languages. Detailed information on how to get, configure and use the necessary software can be found on the website. Operators are monitoring these channels constantly to ensure that conversations are not inappropriate, and most of all, follow the rules for the protection of children, such as not allowing the communication of personal email addresses, home addresses, telephone numbers, etc. People who do not comply are asked to do so, or if necessary, are blocked from the channel.
* JOTI voice chat server: Participants can - by using the software TeamSpeak - directly talk to a number of other Scouts using a network connected computer with a headset or speaker and microphone. Detailed information on how to get, configure and use the necessary software "Teamspeak" can be found on the website.
* JOTI Registration: Scouts participating in the JOTI are requested to register via the Worldwide JOTA-JOTI Registration System* Can the name registered last year be used? If not this may confuse people. This system enables access to a variety of services (e.g.
Contact lists, special JOTI email addresses, participation certificates, validation cards, weblog) which are offered to participants. To avoid Scouts having to also register via a national registration system, an extra form to request national data can be inserted. NJiOs can then get their extra form and access the data of their participants by requesting access at j oti@ - please request this before the JOTI weekend. The system will be available at
* Contact list: Scouts and Scout groups may leave a message here to say they are looking to make contact with others. They are encouraged to use nicknames and special JOTI email addresses (see below). The city, country, region, and Scouting branch can be entered to aid others in the search for contacts. Physical addresses and ages, for example, are not allowed. All entries are monitored, and removed if deemed inappropriate. Those who join the contact list receive a welcome message, which helps to verify the address. All email addresses in this contact list are removed after JOTI. The data collected is not retained, or used for any other purpose. The contact list will be available as from 1 October 2008.
* Special JOTI email addresses: A very important service is the ability for any participant to obtain a temporary email address, at no cost, for use during JOTI. The process is quick and automatic. These addresses are available a few days before JOTI and are cancelled soon after JOTI. These email addresses prevent the participants from getting contacted by anybody unwanted (eg. spam mails) after the JOTI. The special JOTI email addresses will be available from mid September.
* IRC chat nickname: as was the case last year, the Worldwide JOTA-JOTI Registration System and the ScoutLink Nickserver of the Chat Network will be linked. If participants do own a registered nickname it can be used as their user name on without having to create a new account. All participants creating a new account via the registration system do get their user name registered as a nickname in the ScoutLink Nickserver automatically. The default password will be the same on both sites.
* Participation certificates: Individuals and groups may request to receive a personalised, colour, participation certificate. They will receive a special address on the Internet where the certificate can be viewed, downloaded and printed.
* Contact validation: Individuals and groups can send and receive an electronic card showing that they had contact (via email or while chatting) with a specific individual/nickname or group in a particular country.
* Weblog: a special website to generate a report at a group level is offered. Groups can apply for an account, write a report and notes, and upload photos.
* Google Earthr Map: All stations entering their longitude and latitude within the Worldwide JOTA-JOTI Registration System can be displayed on a Google Earthr Map. With this tool you can view the area of a station from the view of a satellite and count distances between one station and another. Therefore, please do NOT register home address or any address coordinates may prevail personal information of Scouts.

Holgi Sickenberg

World JOTI Organizer

Educational activities for the 12th World Scout Jamboree on Internet (JOTI) Education, Research & Development Department World Scout Bureau The World Scout Jamboree on Internet is an incredible educational opportunity that takes place every year; thousands and thousands of Scouts worldwide join over the cyberspace to share and learn from each other.
During years the nature of the activities taking place on JOTI are mainly based on sharing personal Scout experiences with new Scout friends meet online, such as connecting Scouts groups and individuals to know and share what their activities in Scouting are: ceremonies, songs, projects, ideas about cooperation, etc.
JOTI as well is a real testimony of the international dimension of Scouting, young people not only learn about new technologies, they can understand that there are millions of Scouts all over the world sharing the same vision: creating a better world!
Due to the nature of JOTI, educational activities should be simple, meaningful, easy to translate into several languages and develop by the Scouts themselves.
Therefore an educational activity called the "World Scout Challenge - JOTI 2008" is proposed to young people, based on the three working themes for this year: Peace, Environment and Rovering.
The World Scout Challenge - JOTI 2008 uses a three-staged process that allows participants to explore issues related with the working themes, to share and compare their answers/findings with other Scouts overseas and to be recognized for their effort (thorough an electronic certificate).
Participants can choose between the three working themes or to do all of them one by one.
First young people should answer in a small Scout group (3-8 Scouts) some questions about each working theme, once they agree on the answers, they should challenge another small Scout group from a neighbour country in order to share their answers and to agree upon a common answer. Then they become a wider group (composed by the two original small Scout groups). Finally, this wider group challenge another wider group from another continent and agree upon a final answer. See graphic below.
Then they fill out the World Scout Challenge - JOTI 2008 form (see below), and, in order to be recognized, participants should send their results and the form to, this helps to received information about what is going on around the world, and to use the information for best practices, news, etc.
They will received a special electronic certificate once the data is collected.
The World Scout Challenge - JOTI 2008 will take place within the next World Scout Jamboree on Internet (18-19 October 2008), and is intended to be played by young people on the Scouts and Senior Sections (Rovers).


Participation Cards

This year's participation cards are mailed separately to the National Scout Organisations. You will receive the same quantity as last year, unless you inform the World Scout Bureau otherwise. The intention is that each participating station receives its card, as a confirmation of its participation and a souvenir of the event.
The design of this year's JOTA-JOTI logo symbolises aural communication, represented by headphones. Direct vocal communication between Scouts is much more spontaneous and personal than the remote e-mail, electronic chat or morse code contacts that many of us are more used to do.
The logo also symbolises that we are prepared to offer a "listening ear" to our fellow Scouts.
The online library on the Radio-Scouting website has a high-resolution electronic file with the logo, which you can use for your artwork. The card will also be available as a participation certificate on the JOTI web server throughout the weekend.

Registration System

Registering your station for JOTA-JOTI can be helpful and offers you a set of additional tools. A common system is available for you online to avoid participants having to register via two different registration systems (national and world). National Organizers can access the information of stations in their own country or Association. The registration system is meant for Scout groups, not individuals and can be accessed via the web at or
Registration is not mandatory (except in some countries as indicated by the National Organizer), but offers many advantages.
After successfully registering, an account is created in the World JOTA-JOTI database. Using that account Scout groups are able to use several services. For example, the group can search for the location of other stations and can get additional contact details like email addresses, radio call signs or IRC nicknames. Furthermore, they can validate a JOTI contact by special online cards, generate their own participation certificates and get a special email address that prevents them from being bothered by junk mails later.
National Organizers can contact the WOSM to make sure they have access to the system and can download the information of stations in their Association. National Organizers can also create their own national form within the system should they need particular information from their Scout groups, other than what is already provided in the database.


Both the JOTA and JOTI offer an excellent opportunity to meet Scouts, Guides and others from many countries throughout the world, exchange ideas, learn about other cultures and habits and make new friends. In other words, it is a great opportunity to really feel that you belong to a worldwide movement of 28 million members. Bring this opportunity to the attention of your Scouts and leaders and encourage them to take part. We look forward to making contact with you during the JOTA-JOTI weekend.

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