luni, 4 octombrie 2010

Documentarul eco: The Idiot Cycle

Documentarul eco "The Idiot Cycle", premiat la festivalul Document.Art

Documentarul "The Idiot Cycle", care abordeaza subiectul efectelor nefaste ale industriei chimice asupra sanatatii, a fost premiat in cadrul festivalului de film Document.Art, organizat intre 30 septembrie si 2 octombrie la Otopeni.
Documentarul, in regia lui Emmanuelle Schick Garcia, este povestea comunitatilor afectate de substantele chimice existente in aerul pe care il respira, hainele pe care le poarta, mancarea pe care o consuma si nu numai.
Producatoarea de origine canadiana a stat de vorba cu persoane din diferite tari, din America si Europa, care s-au imbolnavit din cauza emisiilor chimice si cu producatori de cereale modificate genetic. Documentarea peliculei a durat cinci ani, iar filmarea propriu-zisa a durat doua luni si jumatate.
„De exemplu, banii de pensii ai canadienilor sunt investiti in biotehnologii, deci guvernul nu le poate lasa sa pice. De asemenea, 17% din banii de pensii din Marea Britanie sunt investiti in British Petroleum. Asadar, guvernele vor ca aceste companii sa aiba succes, chiar si cu pretul sanatatii noastre", a explicat Emmanuelle Schick Garcia.
Regizoarea a anuntat ca documentarul va fi disponibil incepand cu 20 octombrie pe site-ul
In cadrul festivalului Document.Art, organizat de Asociatia Romana de Film "Document.Art.", cu sprijinul Primariei orasului Otopeni, au fost proiectate 45 de filme documentare pentru competitie.
Marele premiu, a celei de a XIV-a editii a Festivalului International de Film "DOCUMENT.ART" a fost atribuit de juriu filmului "Riduri si Vise" (WRINKLES AND DREAMS) in regia Georgiei Petrali, Grecia, 2008.

Can the title be any more blunt? This documentary's plot is a conspiracy theory that's been knocking around my noggin for some time.

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The Idiot Cycle looks at the links between cancer and both the petrochemical and genetically modified food industries. It appears that the petrochemical corporations that produce all our ubiquitous plastic- and chemical-based consumer products, making us ill, are the same companies who profit from the expensive pharmaceuticals to "treat" cancers and keep us alive.

The press kit points out:

* Only 2% of the world's 100,000 synthetic chemicals have been fully tested for toxicological data;
* A secret EPA report - which the chemical industry has spent decades burying -- states that 95% of cancers are caused by the environment and that more people will get cancers from dioxin pollution (caused by chemical processes like making chlorine products or pesticides) than any other cause, more than sitting out in the sun, more than smoking;
* The petrochemical industry that makes all your plastic consumer goods, automobile parts, pesticides, fertilizers, rubbers and so forth are basically six companies;
* These six companies also have a monopoly on cancer treatments and they're the one's that have financed and marketed "cure for cancer" runs and associations for the past decades.
* Now these same 6 companies are producing genetically modified crops, new foods have never been [adequately] tested.

The feature-length documentary -- written, directed and produced by award-winning Canadian filmmaker Emmanuelle Schick Garcia and co-directed by Michael Skolnik -- debuts in September 2009.


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