miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

freeware: REMOTE EXPLORER 4.0


The Remote Explorer application has combination of features similar to Remote Desktop and Windows Explorer. You can explore the local computer, or a remote computer on the local network or over the internet, in the exact same way. This application is both - a client and a server, and it can work in parallel with several remote computers, and it can perform several operations, at the same time. The following is a list of what you can explore on the remote computer, and what operations you can perform on it:

    * File System
    * Registry
    * Running Processes
    * Services
    * System Information
    * Devices
    * Capture Devices
    * File Transfer
    * Capture Screen
    * Search
    * Performance monitor
    * Activity Monitor
    * Command prompt
    * Chat

This program allows you to rename files and folders in a very convenient way. The paths and the new names of the selected files and folders are displayed in text boxes and you can edit them, just like you edit text files. The files and folders are renamed by using corresponding lines from both text boxes. For each line in the Paths text box, the file or folder with that path is renamed to the name in the corresponding line from the New Names text box. The new names can be edited manually or using operations. You can store a list of operations, called a program, in a text file for future use. If you need more functionality, you can copy the contents of the text boxes in another application, edit it, and copy it back. For example, you can use Excel to do some sophisticated formulas for the new names.


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