joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Freeware downloads System Utilities - File Management at

FastCopy provides a faster way to copy, move or delete large numbers of files. It automatically selects an optimized method depending on whether the Source and Destination directory are on the same or different hard drives, and performs read/write operations without using the O/S cache. In addition to simple copy and delete operations, the program also supports advanced methods that allow you to synchronize files based on their date and size. Other features include customizable buffer size, preview of file actions, adjustable speed control, command-line support, file verification and advanced file filtering. FastCopy supports Unicode and long file names. Standalone software, installation is optional.

FlexTk Express is a file management toolkit that enables you to classify and categorize files, find duplicate files and free-up storage space. You can scan drives or folders and view a report of how your storage space is utilized by file type. It automatically categorizes your files by general types (e.g. multimedia files, executables, documents etc.) and allows you to drill down further to view results for individual files types and eventually a list of all files within the group. Other features include generating of MD5, SHA1 or SHA256 signatures for files and HTML, Excel CSV and ACSII text. The free Express version is limited to 250,000 files.

Adebis Photo Sorter enables you to automatically organize your photos into a logical folder structure based on the date the photos were taken. You can create folders based on the year and optionally create sub-folder structures for the months and days. The program uses the EXIF date contained within most photos but can also process images that are missing the EXIF date. You can filter the photos to be processed based on their age and extension and also create a renaming profile to include the capture date with the file names.

GetFolderSize enables you determine the size of folders and sub-folders on your local drives and other storage devices. It produces a report that shows the total size for each folder, the overall percentage of disk space used and the number of files in each folder. You can also drill down and inspect the content of each folder and sort the view by file date, extension, size and other details. GetFolderSize can display sizes in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes, either as rounded values as decimals. Other features include options to print or export a folder list, Unicode support, optional Explorer integration and more.

FileMenu Tools is a Windows Explorer shell extension that allows you to add a variety of custom command options and tools to the right-click menu of files, folders and drives. The tools enable you to rename files, copy paths, shred files, view folder sizes, change file attributes and times, un/register DLLs, delete locked files, find duplicates, and a lot more. In addition to adding new options, FileMenu Tools also allows you to remove unneeded commands from your existing right-click menu configuration.

si multe alte utilitare ...


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