ca vi-l veti aminti atunci cind dati peste problema:
Deci eram pe un comp unde nu aveam foxul instalat si trebuia sa adaug
la o baza de date niste inregistrari dintr-un fisier excel. Deschid in
Excel baza de date la care trebuie sa adaug, deschid si cea care
trebuie adaugata si cu copy and paste adaug frumos articolele ... pina
aici e totul frumos: dar acum vine partea dragalasa: salvez din
fisierul excel concatenat astfel din nou in dbase4 ... rezultatul?
baza de date "exportata" contine doar primele inregistrari, cele
initiale ... ma felicit totusi ca am salvat si o versiune excel a
fisierului "muncit" si ... caut pe net.
Solutia a venit de aici:
Important Note - Adding new rows and columns to a previously saved dBase file in Excel
If you have used Excel to create a .dbf file, and you later want to go back and add records or columns to that .dbf file in Excel, please read the following before you save or export the modified file:
To add to an existing .dbf file in Excel, you must redefine the named range. This is because, unbeknownst to you, when you first exported the Excel file to a .dbf file, Excel created a "named range" for that .dbf file. If you do not modify this named range, Excel will continue using this original range and thus not include any added rows or columns on subsequent exports to .dbf of the same file . If you don't believe me, feel free to find out the hard way by losing all your added data!
To modify the named range to after you have added data to an existing .dbf file and before you save or export the file:
On the Insert menu, point to Name, and then click Define.
In the Names in workbook box, click the name whose cell reference you want to change (this is "database")
In the Refers to box, change the reference (just change the last row and/or column number so that it covers all your records)
Choose File-Save As, and save to a new .dbf (this ensures that you don't accidentally destroy your original file without being sure this process has worked)
Cu alte cuvinte, am setat Database in fereastra Names si am schimbat
referinta din rindul care continea doar primele articole in rindul
care continea toate articolele concatenate (si cele din fisierul dbase
initial si cele adaugate de mine din fisierul excel) adica am pus
rindul 610 in loc de 500 cit era trecut acolo implicit (valoare
retinuta automat de fisier in momentul primei salvari a bazei de date) ...
Dupa treaba asta am dat din nou save as dbase4 si toate inregistrarile
si cele initiale (care dealtfel se salvasera si inainte) si cele
adaugate de mine prin lipire s-au regasit in baza de date
finala ...
Ca sa nu injurati si voi, v-am povestit si voua patania, ca mie mi-a
luat 5 minute sa ma prind ...
Btw, un bonus, o chestie faina tot in excel este sa uniformizezi celulele rebele
care contin si text si numere (formatate ciudat si care de regula nu
raspund la simpla fortare prin setarea proprietatilor celulei)
la text: selectezi coloana si din meniu, de la DATA, optezi pentru
TEXT TO COLUMN ... lasi ca delimitator tabul, iar rezultatul va fi o
coloana doar cu date de tip text, uniform ...