Dintre cele şapte trupe româneşti s-au remarcat X-plode, şi anume o trupă de copii, ei fiind câştigătorii W:O:A Metal Battle.
Chiar daca nu ati fost la festival, biletul fiind 100 lei, iata-i pe cistigatori in clipul de mai jos:
Mai multe despre ei: http://x-plod.ro/
Cu toate ca nu am auzit de ei pina acum, recunosc ca au un viitor in muzica rock daca nu le vine proasta idee sa se destrame, ca alte atitea trupe rock cind dau de succes.
Mi-a placut extrem de mult jocul de cuvinte X-PLOD, explode, x-copii ... Suna funny ... la fel motto-ul lor: "intr-o lume de copii, noi suntem originalul" (copii-... x-plozi/copie-original) ...
Bafta maxima, x-plozi ... explode!
1. PLOD, plozi, s.m., ploduri, s.n. 1. S.m. (Astăzi peior.) Copil (mic). 2. S.n. Germen, embrion; rod. - Din sl. plod~u. |
2. plod (copil) s. m., pl. plozi 3. plod (germen) s. n., pl. pl'oduri |
4. PLO//D ~zi m. pop. 1) Organism animal sau uman în stadiile iniţiale de dezvoltare; embrion. 2) depr. Copil mic. / |
5. PLOD s. v. copil, embrion, fecunditate, fruct, germen, larva, mitra, nou-năs-cut, ou, placentă, poamă, prolificitate, prunc, rod, sămânţă, sugaci, sugar, uter, vulvă.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- PLOD redirects here, an acronym for "Purple Label of Death", associated with Comic Guaranty LLC.
Plod or P.C.Plod is a British slang term used to refer to a police officer, particularly one slow-witted or dull. A more recent variant is the plod, meaning the police force in general. The term originates from the character Mr. Plod, a police officer in the Noddy stories written by Enid Blyton[citation needed].
PLOD or P.L.O.D. is an acronym for Police Link Officers for Deaf people. Established in 1999 by the Hampshire Constabulary (UK), Link Officers aim to promote equality of access to the Police for deaf, deaf-blind, deafened and hard of hearing people. Similar schemes are being introduced by other police forces.
Plod Sheet or Plod is a term used in the Australian mining industry, particularly in the context of drilling, referring to a “Daily Activity Sheet”, or written log of activity at a particular site or machine. A Plod Sheet for a drilling rig would include details identifying the rig and location, who was working, their hours, type of activity, metres drilled, consumables, safety issues, etc.
In some mining companies from the mid 1900s, or possibly earlier, PLOD was understood to mean “Progress Log Of Drilling”. Usage of Plod is now common but not universal.