miercuri, 24 iunie 2009

Freeware: backup


Automate Backups of your important data, files and folders. The backup set is created in standard ZIP format. This allows flexibility in restoring the data using any zip software to unzip the backup set.

Transfer your backup set to a remote location via FTP or Email it to your mail server.

Scheduler software is very easy to use, yet has very powerful scheduling, tasking and automation capabilities.

Email Notification of task failure based on task exit code.

Local directory monitor allows you to backup data when a file/folder change is detected.

Zip files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.

Copy files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes. Use it for data backup and file backup.


Notiţă: Site-ul oficial al cercetaşilor sibieni, cu programe şi activităţi, legături etc. s-a mutat la adresa: scouts.ro.
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