joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

Remember Mihai Eminescu

Autor: Raluca NICOLAE

Astazi se implinesc 159 de ani de la nasterea celui mai mare poet roman al tuturor timpurilor, Mihai Eminescu.
Citeste mai mult:

Iata si poezia La Steaua in versiune englezeasca ... da' parca tot romaneste ... e mai calda sufleteste ...

La steaua care-a rasarit
E-o cale-atat de lunga,
Ca mii de ani i-au trebuit
Luminii sa ne-ajunga.

Poate de mult s-a stins in drum
In departari albastre
Iar raza ei abia acum
Luci privirii noastre.

Icoana stelei ce-a murit
Incet pe bolta suie:
Era pe cand nu s-a zarit,
Azi o vedem, si nu e.

Tot astfel cand al nostru dor
Pieri in noapte-adanca,
Lumina stinsului amor
Ne urmareste inca.

Traduceri/In English (Mihai Eminescu, Unto the Star poem)

'Tis such a long way to the star
Rising above our shore
It took its light to come so far
Thousands of years and more.

It may have long died on its way
Into the distant blue
And only now appears its ray
To shine for us as true.

We see its icon slowly rise
And climb the canopy;
It lived when still unknown to eyes,
We see what ceased to be.

And so it is when yearning love
Dies into depth of night:
Extinct its flame, still glows above
Following close our plight.

de A. G. Sahlean

Onto the star that now appears
So far indeed in transit
Its light would take a thousand years
To reach our vision's orbit.

And, haply, on its azure way
Through endless space eternal
Yon sphere hath died, or e'er its way
Had reached our eye's discernal.

Of perished stars the visions bright
In heaven still soar ascendant
They were, ere yet we saw the light
Now dead, it shines resplendant.

And so it is when love's desire
In depth of night has perished
The quenche'd love still shines its fire
Still follows that is cherished.

de S. Panhurst


Up to the star that's just appeared
The journey's long, and so
For thousand years its light careered
To reach us here, below.

It may have faded on its way
Of old, in blue spheres bright
Though only now its shining ray
Unfolds to this our sight.

The image of the star that died
Comes slowly to the fore:
It used to be when it would hide -
We see what is no more.

And likewise, while our yearning dove
Died in the deepest night,
The light of the extinguished love
Still follows us in flight.

de A. Bantas

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