vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

Site-ul saptaminii:
Un alt soft freeware de calitate, recomdandat de noi.

Deci, trebuie sa copiati/mutati o multime de fisier de pe o partitie pe alta, sub XP.
Din cauza unui nume de fisier sau caii prea lungi, va treziti ca procesul de mutare se opreste cind va e lumea mai draga.
Programelul de mai jos asta face: copiaza automat fisierele dintr-un loc in altul, fara sa se mai opreasca daca intimpina un fisier cu eroare. Pur si simplu il noteaza in log si trece la urmatorul. Extrem de util ...

If you've ever copied a large group of files from one location to another, anticipated the 10 minutes remaining as a perfect time to get coffee, returning 15 minutes later to find the process stuck with 9 minutes to go because one of the files had issues, you need Ycopy. Instead of stalling the copy process, Ycopy continues transferring files in the background, providing an error log for any files with copy issues on completion. This isn't a replacement for drive imaging tools to backup an entire hard drive, but if you need to transfer 50, 100 or 100,000 files from one place to another on your computer, Ycopy will save you the hassle of figuring out where you left off, what went wrong and why your copy operation stopped making progress. Microsoft includes a similar feature in Windows Vista, offering more elegant file transfers following the 20th anniversary of Windows; with Ycopy, you won't need to replace your current OS just to get a better copy function." Jake Ludington's Media Blab


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