Stiu ca e frustrant, dai drumul la 2 downloaduri si astepti pina o piesa se descarca pentru a putea trce la o a treia. Dar cu o modificare usoara, rezolvam problema si putem downloada si 20 de piese simultan.
To change the behavior of the Internet Explorer, the following steps are necessary:
Open the registry editor. (start->run->scrii regedit->enter)
Navigate to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.
Create a new value of type DWord called MaxConnectionsPerServer.
Create a new value of type DWord called MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server.
Open the values and enter the maximum number of concurrent downloads (decimal).
After the Internet Explorer has been restarted, the new setting becomes active.
Si acum sa incercam minunea:
Intram la un cantautor folk extrem de bun: si downloadam citeva piese simultan ... A mers? A mers ...
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