Ai primit ultimatum sa iti faci ordine pe partitia ta din computer. Wow!
Iata aici doua utilitare cu care iti poti sorta usor cele citeva mii de fisiere care stau vraiste in director. Dupa sortare, vei avea folder cu imagini, un folder cu pedefeuri samd ...
1) (FAVORITUL MEU);topic=17828.0;attach=39913
La programelul asta deschizi tu fisierul ini si ii editezi regulile, adica sa adaugi ce extensii nu sint deja adaugate, ceva de genu':
normal1 = Archive files~7z
normal2 = Archive files~jar
normal3 = Archive files~rar
normal4 = Archive files~zip
normal5 = Audio~mp3
normal6 = Audio~mpa
normal7 = Audio~ogg
normal8 = Documents~ahk
normal9 = Documents~doc
normal10 = Arhive internet~mht
normal11 = Pedefeuri~pdf
normal12 = Texte~txt
normal13 = Icons~ico
normal14 = Image gif~gif
normal15 = Image jpg~jpg
normal16 = Image png~png
normal17 = Image tif~tif
normal18 = ini files~ini
normal19 = Shortcuts~url
normal20 = Video~avi
normal21 = Video~divx
normal22 = Video~flv
normal23 = Video~mkv
normal24 = Video~mp4
normal25 = Video~wmv
normal26 = Excel~xls
normal27 = Baze Date~dbf
normal28 = Video~mpeg
normal29 = Prezentari~ppt
normal30 = Html~htm
normal31 = Linkuri~lnk
normal32 = Prezentari~pps
normal33 = Image bmp~bmp
normal34 = Nesortate~db
2) Do you have a folder on your computer with thousands and thousands of random files in it? I do. I have a folder called “Inbox” on my computer, where I put all the files I download from the Internet and all the files I get from LAN Parties. Pictures, MP3s, Movies and that sort of thing. It’s a big job sorting that folder. To make the job easier, I have created FileSort. FileSort is a FREE program helps you organise a messy folder.
La acest program trebuie sa ii scrii tu regulile, un pic mai complicat.