luni, 30 aprilie 2012

Possible brain damage in young adult binge-drinkers revealed in new study

de ce copiii si adolescentii n-ar trebui sa se imbete ... nu cred ca e nevoie de traducere dar pe scurt e simplu: deveniti timpiti, e dovedit stiintific

Possible Brain Damage in Young Adult Binge-Drinkers Revealed in New Study

ScienceDaily (June 27, 2011) — It's considered a rite of passage among young people -- acting out their independence through heavy, episodic drinking. But a new University of Cincinnati study, the first of its kind nationally, is showing how binge drinking among adolescents and young adults could be causing serious damage to a brain that's still under development at this age.

Researcher Tim McQueeny, a doctoral student in the UC Department of Psychology, is presenting the findings at the 34th annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Atlanta.

High-resolution brain scans on a sample of 29 weekend binge drinkers, aged 18 to 25, found that binge-drinking -- consuming four or more drinks in one incident for females and five or more drinks for males -- was linked to cortical-thinning of the pre-frontal cortex, the section of the brain related to executive functioning such as paying attention, planning and making decisions, processing emotions and controlling impulses leading to irrational behavior.

McQueeny examined the brain's gray matter, the parts of brain cells that do the thinking, receiving and transmitting of messages. "We have seen evidence that binge drinking is associated with reduced integrity in the white matter, the brain's highways that communicate neuron messaging, but alcohol may affect the gray matter differently than the white matter," he says.

The pilot study examined whether the researchers could see a relationship between gray matter thickness and binge drinking among college-aged young adults. They found that greater number of drinks per binge is associated with cortical thinning. McQueeny is now interested in pursuing future research to examine whether binge drinking is affecting the brain's gray matter and white matter differently, or if they're both equally affected.

"Alcohol might be neurotoxic to the neuron cells, or, since the brain is developing in one's 20s, it could be interacting with developmental factors and possibly altering the ways in which the brain is still growing," he says.

The findings affect a significant population. A publication from the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 42 percent of young American adults between 18 and 25 have engaged in binge drinking.

McQueeny adds that the depressant effects of alcohol emerge later in life, so for young adults, the effect of alcohol can be very stimulating and activate tolerance over time.

"In the past, in terms of what's known about the physical toll of alcohol, the focus on neurobiology has been in pathological populations and adult populations who were disproportionately male, so there was a significant gap in research in terms of when people started risky drinking. We're looking at developmental aspects at an age when binge drinking rates are highest, and we're also looking at gender effects," says McQueeny. "There might actually be indications of early micro-structural damage without the onset of pathological symptoms such as abuse, or dependence on alcohol."

McQueeny's advisor, UC Psychology Professor Krista Lisdahl Medina, served as senior author on the paper. She adds, "Our preliminary evidence has found a correlation between increased abstinence of binge drinking and recovery of gray matter volume in the cerebellum. Additional research examining brain recovery with abstinence is needed."

In terms of educating young adults about responsible drinking, Medina says there appear to be better efforts about communicating the dangers of drinking and driving. "However, people can still be doing damage to their brain as a result of the prevalence and acceptance of binge drinking. There is also evidence that drinking below the binge level may be less harmful," she says.

The high-resolution imaging was conducted at UC's Center for Imaging Research.

The research was supported by a $300,000 grant awarded to Medina's lab by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. McQueeny was also awarded a University Research Council Summer Graduate Fellowship.

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vineri, 27 aprilie 2012

Fw: Ingineresti...

de pe mail :)



Download Instant Messenger Cleaner 4.1 Free

un antivirus interesant ...

Instant Messenger Cleaner 4.1

Softpedia Editor's Review for Instant Messenger Cleaner

This application will enable you to remove messenger threats form your computer.

Written by Bogdan Popa on October 19th, 2011

Although most viruses are contracted while browsing the web or while using file sharing applications, instant messengers have also become pretty dangerous from this point of view, so it's very important to stay safe while chatting online.

Instant Messenger Cleaner is not an antivirus per se, but a security solution designed to keep instant messengers clean and help users stay away from all infections distributed through chatting networks.

According to developers, this software solution has been specifically created to remove worms and viruses from MSN or Windows Live Messenger, but it also proved pretty efficient on Yahoo Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger.

The installer shouldn't get you in trouble, as it's all a matter of pressing the Next button. The interface is minimal, which is indeed a good thing, with features nicely organized in the main window.

Besides the scanning process, which by the way took a while during our test, Instant Messenger Cleaner also comes with various other tools, such as a startup manager, clock synchronization, registry and memory optimizer, process viewer and data eraser.

There's also a basic settings menu that gives you access to a few options, but nothing too fancy that could give you headaches if you don't know what you're doing.

The scanning process goes very smooth, so the app won't eat up your CPU when searching for viruses on your computer. The only problem is that it basically looks everywhere, so it needs some time to complete the operation.

Overall, Instant Messenger Cleaner is a decent solution with a pretty affordable price and in case you're not using an antivirus solution that also protects instant messaging apps, be sure to give this one a try.

Instant Messenger Cleaner description


· Pentium III compatible PC or higher
· 64 MB RAM (128 MB recommended)
· Free space on your hard drive about 20 MB
· 800x600 screen resolution or higher
· Microsoft .NET Framework 2 or higher


· Only detects malicious items, in order to clear them a license is required
· Nag screen

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· No Nag screen
· 100% free of charge and it doesn't contain any Adware
· Update the anti-malware library

joi, 26 aprilie 2012

DAPlayer - Free HD Bluray Video Multimedia Player Software

DAPlayer is a Powerful, Simple to use and All-in-one video/audio player software for windows that plays most audio/video multimedias easily and smoothly. It is designed to give users a complete free solution for playing High-definition videos, which include Bluray, AVCHD, TS, MKV, MPEG4, H264 video formats as well as DVD video and music CD.

It comes with more than 320 video codecs and 130 audio codecs, builds in numerous customizable controls, fully supports Multi-track video/audio and subtitles, TrueColor System, compatible with almost all multimedia formats and owns fast launch speed. DAPlayer is guaranteed to deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience on Windows PC.

DAPlayer - Free HD Bluray Video Multimedia Player Software

DAPlayer - A Free Standard Desktop Multimedia Player For Windows

Mass: Eveniment sibian


Daca doresti sa ne cunosti, te asteptam la un eveniment caritabil pentru strângere de fonduri.
28 aprilie 2012, Piaţa Mare din Sibiu, între orele 12- 21 ...

Vor fi acolo 27 de ONG-uri sibiene implicate in miscarea de mediu, sociala, culturala, care isi vor prezenta proiectele si activitatea din ultimii ani ... la masute :)
Cu fete de masa albe ... Noi te vom invata sa faci noduri si vei avea parte de mici surprize ...
Fii aici şi Fii Implicat!...măcar cu 2%! Iti Mulţumim 100%!!! :)

PS: daca nu poti veni decat doar sufleteste, ne poti totusi vedea aici, sambata dupa amiaza, in fata Muzeului Brukenthal
Paaaaa, cu drag!


Organizaţia Natională "Cercetaşii României" (O.N.C.R. – ;, este o mişcare educativă de tineret din Romania, cu peste 2.500 de membri în 55 de centre locale (filiale) raspândite în toată ţara.

Misiunea Cercetăşiei este de a contribui la educarea tinerilor printr-un sistem de valori, bazat pe o Promisiune şi o Lege, de a ajuta la construirea unei lumi mai bune, în care oamenii sunt împliniţi ca indivizi şi joacă un rol constructiv în societate.

Aceasta se realizează prin:

- implicarea tinerilor într-un proces educativ non-formal, pe toata durata anilor în care se formeaza ca indivizi;

- utilizarea unei metode specifice, care face din fiecare individ principalul agent al propriei dezvoltări ca persoană încrezătoare, motivată, responsabilă şi deschisă;

- sprijinirea tinerilor în stabilirea unui sistem de valori bazat pe principii spirituale, sociale şi personale.

Filiala sibiană poartă numele de Centrul Local "Heintz Dezideriu" Sibiu, nume ales în amintirea inginerului energetician care a adus în Romania sportul orientării sportive şi este formată din elevi de la mai multe şcoli şi licee sibiene.

Activităţile pe care le propunem noi elevilor sibieni sunt axate pe activităţi ecologice, sportive-de aventură, culturale, de învăţare prin acţiune, de petrecere în mod util şi plăcut al timpului liber. Drumeţie, camping, cicloturism montan, navigaţie cu vele, ski, căţărare, speologie sunt doar câteva dintre sporturile în care cercetaşii sibieni s-au iniţiat şi în care excelează.
— in Sibiu.
· ·

2% - Fii Implicat!

- Este un proiect creat de parteneriatul dintre Parohia Evanghelică C.A. Sibiu împreună cu Fundaţia X Future şi cu susţinerea comună a organizaţiile non guvernamentale implicate în reţelele: socială, culturală şi de protecţie a mediului, de pe raza oraşului şi judeţului Sibiu , pentru stimularea cetăţenilor contribuabili de a oferi cota de 2% din impozitul pe venitul realizat în anul 2011 cuvenit şi datorat statului, unei organizaţii (fundaţii, asociaţii) în funcţie de interesele, viziunile, aşteptările sau progresele dorite de fiecare cetăţean pentru ca aceste organizaţii să îi susţină implicarea socială şi necesităţile manifestate în viaţa socială şi aşteptate de la comunitate. Acest lucru fiind posibil până la data de 15 mai 2012.

- În cadrul acestui eveniment vor fi prezentate fiecare dintre organizaţiile participante la reţeaua socială, culturală şi de protecţia mediului şi ale activităţilor acestora din oraşul şi judeţul Sibiu. În standurile atribuite personal fiecăreia dintre entităţile participante, acestea îşi vor prezenta organizaţia, activitatea, viziunea şi proiectele şi vor căuta să atragă cât mai multă susţinere financiară de la contribuabilii prezenţi. Fiecare dintre cei convinşi de activitatea şi necesităţile lor organizaţionale vor completa un formular tip unic dar completat cu datele de identificare financiară ale organizaţiei respective. Fiecare cetăţean implicat şi convins, îşi va completa datele sale de identificare pe acest formular parţial completat anterior de către organizaţie şi îl va semna.

- În urma completării formularului respectiv, cetăţeanul va direcţiona cota sa de 2% din impozitul datorat statului pe anul 2011 din venituri către aceasta. Dreptul legal de completare şi virare fiind doar pentru un singur formular şi pentru o singură organizaţie. Două completări la două organizaţii sau două formulare completate identic ori cu date diferite, ducănd la pierderea dreptului de virare a sumelor datorate şi anularea cererilor de virare către respectiva organizaţie sau organizaţii.

- Pe scena amplasată în Piaţa Mare vor fi invitate trupe, artişti şi personalităţi implicate care ne susţin şi ne-au sprijinit şi care cred în noi, iar acestea vor întreţine atmosfera toată ziua şi vă vor distra!
Fii aici şi Fii Implicat!...măcar cu 2%!

- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... sprijină implicarea socială, cultura şi mediul!
- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... spune tu cui d-ai banii impozitaţi, munciţi de tine!
- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... din tot anul 2011!
- 2% - Fii Implicat! decizia: Stat sau ONG (Organizaţii Nonguvernamentale)
- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... nu dezinteresat!
- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... fii informat!
- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... ai sponsorizat!
- 2% - Fii Implicat! ... ai câştigat!
- 2% - Fi Implicat! ... ne-ai ajutat!

Iţi Mulţumim 100%!!! :)

Asociaţia Femeilor din Sibiu;
Asociaţia Pedale;
Asociaţia CenFas Sibiu;
Asociaţia Casa Cartierului Ştrand;
Asociaţia Cercetaşii României;
Asociaţia Animal Life;
Asociaţia Micii Explorator;
Asociaţia React;
Asociaţia Diakoniewerk Sibiu;
Asociaţia Artlabs;
Asociaţia Casa Calfelor;
Asociaţia Crucea Albastră;
Asociaţia Crucea Roşie;
Asociaţia Breaking the Wall;
Asociaţia pentru tranziţie urbană;
A.T.U. Asociaţia Studentilor Europeni - AEGEE;
Asociaţia pentru protecţia liliecilor;
Asociaţia Steps of Hope;
Fundaţia X Future;
Organizația Umanitară CONCORDIA;
Public Expert
Parohia Evanghelică C.A. Sibiu;
SOS Satele copiilor;
... aşteptăm şi pe alţii! :)

NOU la! Cumpara icoane facatoare de minuni de la muntele Athos, Grecia | | Mii de articole, retete, forum, sfaturi pentru parinti, familie si viata.

Daca doriti sa cumparati, costa 30 lei bucata ... trimiteti mail la adresa din mesaj ...

NOU la! Cumpara icoane facatoare de minuni de la muntele Athos, Grecia - sfanta familie- Muntele Athos

Vizualizări: 82

O icoana facatoare de minuni iti poate schimba viata. Mai ales daca ai credinta si daca ai sansa de a ajunge la una din icoanele facatoare de minuni din lume. Sau daca poti avea in casa ta o asemenea icoana incarcata de har, miruita si sfintita intr-un loc plin de aer sfant cum sunt manastirile unice de pe muntele Athos din Grecia.


Prin, acest lucru este acum posibil. Daca ai nevoie de protectie divina in casa ta, de ocrotire a familiei si a copiilor tai, de sanatate si ghidare in viata, poti cumpara la un pret accesibil icoana care se lipeste de sufletul tau din cele 4 prezentate mai jos.  Echipa noastra va prezinta informatii autentice de la fata locului despre 4 din icoanele facatoare de minuni de pe Sfantul Munte.


Fideli crezului nostru de a sluji si intari familiile, va oferim cu drag toate aceste informatii precum si posibilitatea de a achizitiona – in limita stocului disponibil – reprezentari ale acestor icoanelor sfinte celebre facatoare de minuni.


Ce icoane poti cumpara? Cum poti cumpara? Pretul.

Legenda si oamenii locului spun ca Sfantul Munte Athos are protectia si binecuvantarea permanenta a Fecioarei Maria care a primit in dar acest pamant sfant de la fiul ei, Iisus si l-a numit “Gradina Raiului”. De aici primesc alinare sufletele care vor cu adevarat sa se linisteasca si vindece in provocarile vietii, primind protectie, inspiratie si ghidare.


Cele 4 icoane speciale alese de noi spre prezentare si vanzare sunt:


Citeste semnificatia, protectia pentru care ele sunt destinate precum si povestea lor, dand clic pe numele fiecareia!


Icoana pentru protectia casei: ICOANA MAICII DOMNULUI – PORTARITA




Icoana pentru mama si copilul ei: ICOANA SARUTAREA DULCE A MAICII DOMNULUI

sfatulparintilor.ro_icoanefacatoaredeminuni_dulcea sarutare a maicii domnului

sfatulparintilor.ro_icoanefacatoaredeminuni_dulcea sarutare a maicii domnului



sfatulparintilor.ro_icoana facatoare de minuni_atotcunoscatoarea

sfatulparintilor.ro_icoana facatoare de minuni_atotcunoscatoarea


Icoana pentru familia extinsa: ICOANA SFANTA FAMILIE




Icoanele sunt din lemn, lucrate de calugari cu foita de aur, tratate cu apa sfanta de pe Sfantul Munte, miruite si slujite la manastiri de pe Sfantul Munte.

Contin pe verso certificat de autenticitate.

sfatulparintilor.ro_certificat autenticitate

sfatulparintilor.ro_certificat autenticitate

Pretul este de doar 30 lei.


Cumpara pentru tine si cei dragi una sau mai multe icoane din cele 4 modele aflate in stocul limitat, trimitand un mail la in care spui numele icoanei dorite, numele si prenumele tau, telefonul si adresa de expeditie a coletului postal.

Vei achita icoana prin ramburs postal la momentul primirii coletului. Taxa de posta o achita


Se vor onora comenzile in ordinea sosirii lor pe mail. Daca produsul dorit nu se mai gaseste in stoc, vei fi pe lista de asteptare si in cel mai scurt timp iti vom onora comanda.


Iti dorim sa ai parte de inspiratie divina si mult bine in viata ta!


Cu drag,



Semnificatia fiecarei icoane.


Icoana Maicii Domnului Portarita – icoana pentru protectia casei






Aceasta este una din icoanele puternice facatoare de minuni de pe Sfantul Munte, este o icoana pentru PROTECTIA CASEI. Locul ei intr-o casa este la intrare, preferabil deasupra tocului usii sau in zona holului, de asa natura incat sa fie vazuta mereu de oricine paseste pragul casei respective.

Portarita apara casa in care este primita de apa, foc, dusmani, certuri, cuvinte rele sau blesteme.


Originalul se afla la manastirea Iviron. Calugarii de la fata locului povestesc cu evlavie si smerenie faptul ca icoana Portarita a venit la Sfantul Munte pe mare. Ea apartinea unui om bogat care calatorea pe mare si care a fost atacat de pirati. Ca sa nu ii fure icoana, el a spus o rugaciune si a preferat sa ii dea drumul pe apa. Aceasta a plutit in picioare pana la mal, cand a fost vazuta de un calugar. Avea o aura de lumina in jurul sau ce se vedea de departe in noapte pe apa. Calugarii au pus-o in altar. A doua zi ea nu mai era acolo, era la intrare la poarta. Au mutat-o din nou in altar si a doua zi din nou era la poarta. Acelasi lucru s-a repetat si a treia zi cand ei au si auzit o voce spunand “Eu am venit sa va protejez pe voi, nu voi sa ma protejati pe mine. Lasati-ma la poarta, aici e locul meu”. Portaritei i s-a facut altar special la poarta manastirii si ea protejeaza orice casa in care intra.

Peste ani, un barbat care a ajuns la manastirea Portaritei, nu a crezut in toate aceste cuvinte ce atestau puterile ei si a luat un cutit si a brazdat icoana in dreptul obrazului Fecioarei Maria. Din locul taieturii s-au scurs lacrimi cu mir care s-au uscat si cateva picaturi de sange au tasnit. Iar icoana a ramas pe veci cu acea reprezentare: Obrazul Fecioarei Maria este brazdat si cu picaturi de sange curgandu-i din rana. Omul uluit, a devenit nu doar credincios dar si calugar la sfanta manastire.


Dimensiunea variantei pe care o puteti cumpara de aici este de 10,4 x 12,5 cm.

Precious Childhood

Transition - the Benefits of Change!

Transition – what is it about change?

"If I have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe against me."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)

 Nature changes constantly, some changes are slow and subtle while others are drastic and to us often unpredictable - cycles of life from the changing seasons to the developmental stages of animals and plants. As humans we are part of nature and part of the cycle of life from conception and birth through the different stages of maturity until death. These changes or transitions both large and small are essential in nature and part of the natural process of growth and development. 
Winter in Scotland
Autumn in Scotland
Why do some adults and children then find some transitions so hard? We all react differently to change and some humans embrace changes and thrive in an ever changing world while others need more time to adjust. What makes change so very hard for some – is it all change that is hard or only certain changes? I have come to the conclusion that it is HOW humans support each other during times of change that affects our ability to cope with essential changes.                                                           
Now I don't need to 'dress up' in thermals to go to work!

Imagine being in a place where you don't understand the 'language' – even though it is your home language, where everything is done slightly differently, where you struggle to find your way around, where others don't realise how strange this new world is for you, where you feel incompetent and struggle to make sense of often the most basic routines. How often do we as adults experience this? How do we cope? Do we all cope in the same way? What would make it easier to cope?

These are just some of the thoughts I have as I reflect on my own recent move from Scotland to Australia. As an adult I struggled with relatively simple tasks such as withdrawing money from the cash machine – do I want 'credit', 'savings', or 'cheque'? No, I just want cash! The jargon is different; acronyms everybody else seems to understand meant nothing to me. Different rules and regulations apply and these change depending on where you are and who you are with! Can we only cope with a finite number of drastic changes at any one time? I did wonder how many new concepts an adult can absorb in a day – I was certainly struggling ....although maybe that was partly my age!

How do children cope with transitions, do they cope better than adults, how do we best support children during changes, do we really know what they are feeling and going through?
David became the big brother when Stuart was born!
Caitlin was no longer the baby when Martin was born!
All over the world children face regular major transitions, from being a younger child to being the BIG one, moving from home to nursery, to kindergarten, then to primary school, to high school, to university. They may be transitions from one house to another, one school to another, one town to another, one country to another. These are the ones adults realise may cause children to feel unsettled and sensitive adults will have procedures in place to support children during these changes. There are many transitions that young children face that we might not recognise as such and do not realise that they may cause some children stress and anxiety.                                                       

The different rules and expectations children experience in their own homes and those of their grandparents, family day carer, preschool  and kindergarten may seem huge to some children. Some children struggle with the transition from indoors to outdoors, from one activity to another. How can we best support these children and in fact anybody experiencing transition.

As an adult I appreciated a calm, supportive environment to allow me to become familiar with new routines. I needed others  around me to patiently explain the concepts I struggled with – and being prepared to repeat themselves – there were so many new ones that I felt in a state of confusion for much of the first two months and often needed to be told a second and even a third time. Adults who became impatient just added to my stress, made me feel incompetent and reluctant to ask again. I needed clear and concise guidelines with patient explanations of the information that was new to me. I appreciated being able to have discussions about the things that confused or concerned me. I valued being given the time to reflect, try and if necessary try again without feeling a failure at not grasping concepts immediately. Importantly I needed the adults around me to be fair and consistent in the messages they conveyed to me and also to CONSULT with me at every stage of change that affected me directly.

I believe these lessons are as important to support our young children in any changes or transitions. Caring discussions – talk about the changes and possible concerns children have, give children time to reflect and come back to us. Not all children (or adults) are verbal and we need to be able to recognise non verbal messages too. Many adults offer support by allowing children to visit a new environment in advance or 'telling' them about a change but I feel we need to offer children more than this as this often raises further concerns or questions. Don't assume that because you as the adult know and have told the child that the child has absorbed everything and is ready to face the changes.

Ryan all ready for his first day at big school!
I was involved in an action research project in the UK looking at transition and when children were consulted about moving from informal to formal education some of the concerns expressed were "my mummy won't find me", "toilets", "you can't go outside to play", "there is no slide", "you have to eat in a biiiiiigggg hall, it's very noisy", " lots of big children looking",  "I won't have any friends",  "there is no sand to play in". Allowing children to express their feelings allows us as adults to really listen and respond to any concerns. Many of the concerns expressed can be addressed before the child transitions – taking mum to the new meeting place, exploring all the toilet options, reassuring the child that they will play outside and that they will visit a slide, ensuring there will be sand, etc. The adults involved in the project commented on the fact that they had not realised how relatively small some issues were and how easily the children could be reassured in the majority of concerns – many expressed their opinion that this transition group had been the most confident they had worked with! What I felt was very valuable was that these discussions were recorded by children and adults in a variety of child friendly ways so that they could be revisited and allow children to reflect on their original concerns. I used and highly recommend using the "Talking and Thinking Floorbooks™" methodology developed by Claire Warden, Scotland.

Getting ready for the office!!
We prepare children for the move from informal to formal education by trying to ensure that children are 'school ready'. Unfortunately this often means that there is a strong focus on academic achievement and children are pushed to achieve this at a younger age resulting in children constantly being 'prepared' for the next stage in their life instead of celebrating each stage of their development. This again could cause additional stress with some children (and adults) fearing that they 'can't do it'! To me school readiness means a child with a high emotional intelligence (EQ) who can cope with change by being able to manage their own emotions and those of other people. (Daniel Goleman)

I feel we should celebrate each stage of development or change with the adults and children around us instead of constantly racing to achieve or reach some end goal. As caring humans we should support each other to make transition processes as positive as possible, recognising that we are all different. We have the ability and I would even say the responsibility to reduce the levels of stress that can come with change, that can be crippling and that can prevent adults and children from functioning at their optimum level.                                                                                              

Positive Childhood memories are created through positive experiences of life. I see this investment in time as an investment in the future potential of the person – irrespective of age!
Small steps or giant leaps are much easier with APPROPRIATE support - creating those positive memories.
Thank you to all my very patient friends - new and old, near and far - who supported me in the many changes and transitions I have had to cope with and am still coping with and who did not make me feel totally incompetent but valued me for who I am and for what I was able to achieve!

"God makes three requests of his children: Do the best you can , 
where you are, with what you have, now" 
                                                                                                                                       African- American Proverb

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Too Many Questions? Golden Silence?

and forever explaining things to them."

How often do we ask children the same questions. Children fully engaged in play, a child bursting to show us an amazing discovery, children lying quietly under the tree looking up at the leaves moving in the sunshine, a child silently watching the birds on the pond may all be asked questions! 

How often do we need to ask children the following questions....

Why do we often feel the need to ask children these questions – how much better to share the moment with the child by just being there. Children have the right to high quality interactions; to adults who genuinely want to share in and who value the child's learning and experiences.  Allowing children the time and 'space' to do something with the facts they are presented  with .... understanding them, connecting them to each other, sorting and categorizing them, manipulating and applying them while seeking solutions to new problems – these are the opposite to rote learning where all that is required is to repeat back what has been memorized. 

Adults who promote these higher order thinking skills through sensitive and appropriate open ended suggestions rather than asking standard questions will be part of the child's amazing world of discovery – seeing and experiencing the world through the eyes of the child.

Natural Learning: 

"We are connected with and contribute to our world" 
"We are confident and involved learners" 

Three children aged 4, 5 and 6 years found blue bottle jelly fish washed up on the beach. Their initial reaction was avoidance having been taught by adults to fear them "cause they can sting you" but they watched in  fascination as I  use a sea shell to turn one over and they soon overcame their fear, picked up handy 'tools' such as shells and driftwood to investigate the bright blue shapes. "It popped!" "like a balloon but a small balloon", " this one can't pop", " maybe too hard, no I know; it goes into the sand, it sinks when you press it", "hey, I know, I know, the sand is soft and only on the hard sand they can pop"

They found a larger jelly fish which moved "it's alive, don't pop it", "no, it's the wind makes it move", " shhh, be quiet so I can see it", "this is my favourite colour, blue but some pink, purple when you look here", " I can nearly see through the big bit, Niki come see!"


I commented that "I also like the colours , all the different shades of blue and the translucence of the body. The body does not have the stingers so I can touch it gently as long as I don't touch the tentacles because that is where the stinging bits are". The children fell silent reflecting on what  I had just told them, studied the jellyfish more closely, some tentatively touched the float and then handled it with more confidence. 

Now the discussion turned to how they could save this jellyfish , "maybe it needs water so it can swim", "yes, we need to put it in the sea ....but then it will swim away", "I know, we can make a dam for it to swim in". The children started to dig a hole close to the water's edge and were then faced with the problem of how they were going to get the jelly fish into their dam. "don't pick it up, it has stingers", "yes and they shoot out, and that is very sore, maybe you will die!", "yes, and you will go to 'hostibal', maybe in the ambulance". 

They sat beside me silently and after a few minutes asked"Niki, can you put it in our dam so it can swim, cause we can't pick it up?" I again explained that as long as we didn't touch the tentacles we would be safe and should they ever get stung they had to wash the area with water but not rub or touch it. I picked it up and placed it in the water, the children cheered as it floated in their dam.


"The water has gone away", "it can't swim anymore, it's not moving" they commented as they noticed that the water levels had dropped and the jellyfish was no longer floating. 

Using their hands and shells they carried the water from the sea which was not very effective until one of the little boys pointed out that they could dig a channel from the sea so that the water could go into the dam. There was a lot of discussion about the depth and width of the most effective channel as well as collaborative work with three children trying to create the channel. 

 A wave reached the dam and the children cheered but then realised that the water flowed out again "we need a wall, a wall to close the dam so the water doesn't go out". They closed the gap after the next wave trapping the water and then continued to extend the wall and enclose the dam, adding shells and seaweed as decoration – transforming it into a castle for the jellyfish.

 More jellyfish were collected with the children making sure that they did not touch the tentacles; they were calm and purposeful in their actions and took great pride in the fact that they could now handle the jellyfish themselves. 

Children commented on the size of the different jelly fish and exclaimed in surprised delight  when they found one with longer tentacles, "this is the longest, this is the biggest one", "no, look that one is bigger but the stingers is short", "long stingers sting more, they go round and round". "Niki look at this looooong one, right up to here.... my head". At this stage I felt it was appropriate to share more knowledge I felt they would be interested in and showed the children that the float or body could be as big as 15cm and that the tentacles could reach 10 metres by stepping out and marking this in the damp sand. They copied the actions and were soon using non standard units of measurement to do their own measuring. 

With the tide coming in the children had to repair the damaged parts and increase the height of their walls. "More and more and more water is coming, look .... the jellyfish are all swimming now", "the wind is pushing them, that's how they keep moving", "that was a big one, it went over the wall, quick fix it, more sand", "wet sand is not working, we need dry sand" 

A large wave broke through, flooding the dam and washing away large parts of the castle  – all three children worked together as a team to rebuild and strengthen the defenses until a number of big waves came in quick succession and they were no longer able to keep the waves out. They stopped, watched their collection of jellyfish wash back into the sea and then jumped up and down laughing in delight, waving and shouting "goodbye jellyfish" before moving on to play in the dunes.

  • The children were fully engaged in this activity for more than an hour and a half
  • There were no adult designed resources or toys available and children used their imagination and creativity
  • I did not interfere with the children's play or thought processes but waited until I was 'invited  in' by the children
  • Children demonstrated high levels of independent thinking without interruptions from me
  • I used an appropriate intentional teaching opportunity to pass on factual information as well as mathematical concepts

Possible Lines of Development (PLOD)
  • Research jellyfish on the internet and in reference books to extend the interest and knowledge through IT and the written word.
  • Offer children a range of resources to explore water flow.
  • Offer children a variety of materials to explore flotation and the power of wind.


Some Early Years Learning Framework Curricular links identified retrospectively

"We are connected with and contribute to our world" (EYLF outcome 2)
 "We are socially responsible and show respect for our environment"

"We are confident and involved learners" (EYLF outcome 4)
" We are curious, cooperative, confident, creative, committed, enthusiastic, persistent and imaginative"
"We are developing a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating"
"We transfer and adapt what we have learned from one context to another"
"We resource our own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural materials"

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Through the Eyes of a Child

 Through the Eyes of a Child

It is Spring in Australia and I am aware of nature 'unfolding' around me – every day I learn something new! 
Having arrived here 6 weeks ago after nearly 15 years in Scotland I am living through new, exciting and sometimes scary moments - I consider myself very privileged to again be allowed this opportunity to experience the 'childhood' awe and wonder I remember feeling as a child. 

As adults we can lose this 'skill' as we are often too busy; rushing and meeting deadlines that we tend to then miss the amazing detail surrounding us. All too often we 'drag' our children with us instead of allowing them to lead us into their world – they live in nature time.

Children who are given time and space will find and enjoy the detail of nature  in even the most unlikely places – a bug under a stone, a raindrop on a plant, a weed in the corner of the car park, a puddle in a discarded plastic bag. Even a decomposing leaf as a beauty of its own.

I have observed children spend time getting really close, investigating from all angles and then exploring the play-potential of their discovery - often over extended periods of time. 

I believe that children are able to see and appreciate the minutia and detail of the world around them leading to a natural fascination that should be nurtured and valued. 

Slow down, allow children to take the lead, to share with us the world through their eyes and we will learn the true value and beauty of the world that we have access to – a blade of grass, a bee, a shell or a stone. 

Looking through the lens of my camera I can see the delicate detail I would otherwise miss and feel so privileged that I am given another opportunity to see and share the world with young children using my camera lens.


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